Opinion: Professors and students need to collaborate

Joyce Ng is a senior English major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater.  Contact her at [email protected].

Joyce Ng

Over the past two weeks, I’ve had the privilege of having two classes cancelled, and twice I was let out half an hour early in a 75-minute-long class. However, none of these cancellations had to do with the two snow days we had. I know most students are typically happy about class time being cut short, and I too have enjoyed the time off. However, I can’t help but feel like something is being taken away from me every time I’m let out of class early for no good reason. Sure, I get extra free time, which I can use for my own pleasure or to work on other school work—but I’m not getting my tuition money’s worth.

I understand that some classes can be extremely boring and uninspiring, so getting out early is something worth rejoicing over. I’m certain that professors can tell from the looks on students’ faces when they are dying to get out of class. Rather than accepting this as a standard, professors should be working harder to challenge students in an engaging manner.  

Although I’m aware there is not much that you can do to interest students who refuse to learn in a classroom, I implore professors who appear to have given up on students completely to try something different. Keep in mind that in every classroom full of students who appear like they don’t care, there are still a few who would rather have a good class discussion than an additional 15 minutes of Facebook time. Professors get paid regardless of how much time they spend actually teaching in class, and it is unfair to let students off early simply because it’s easier to do. It is a mark of laziness.

Students are equally responsible for getting their money’s worth in college—take your education seriously and put in the required work to do so.  Everyone learns differently, and being in a classroom does not work for everyone, however, sitting in a lecture hall and browsing Facebook is a sheer waste of time and money—you might as well just stay home. Remember that professors are a valuable resource, and we should fully take advantage of their services. Some of my most inspiring college experiences have come from personal interactions with professors.

Professors are also people and require encouragement for the work they put forth. Students and professors need to work together to make Kent State’s learning environment a healthy and thriving one. Students who are only interested in getting out of class as soon as possible will only discourage professors; likewise, professors who have come to accept that as stagnant reality will only disengage students. Mutual encouragement is one of the best ways to raise Kent State’s standard of education.