Education Abroad Expo happening Monday

Sydney Baltrusaitis

Students interested in studying abroad can come to the Education Abroad Expo in the Student Center Ballroom between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Monday. This event is open to all majors and will give students an opportunity to apply for a passport with required documents.

Ediz Kaykayoglu, assistant director for education abroad in Kent State’s Office of Global Education, said there will be a lot of resources for students at the expo that will help them find the right program.

“This is when they can see a lot of programs at once,” said Kaykayoglu. “This is where they can talk with a faculty member, talk with a representative from the university, or talk more in depth about different options.“

At the expo, students can visit 35 different tables. There will be information about Florence, exchange programs, faculty-led programs, financial aid and more.

Contact Sydney Baltrusaitis at [email protected].