KSU seniors learn to cook
February 7, 2013
The Alumni Association is sponsoring a “Learning to Cook 101” night with Chef John Goehler at 6 p.m. Friday in the Eastway Private Dining Room.
Carrie Circosta, assistant director of alumni relations, said the event will prepare Kent State seniors for cooking and budgeting food after graduation.
“When it comes to cooking, a lot of students aren’t sure how to cook [or] how to manage [a] budget,” Circosta said. “[Goehler] is going to prepare typical dinner meals that are cost effective.”
It costs $5 to register for the cooking lesson, and students who sign up are recommended to arrive early for the event since check-in begins at 5:30 p.m.
The event is only open to Kent State seniors. Students interested can register at ksualumni.org .
Contact Megan Corder at [email protected] .