Red Bull’s worldwide paper plane contest lands in Kent

Blake Green, 7-year-old from Kent, retrieves his plane after a practice throw during Red Bull’s Plane Wars on Saturday. Photo by Jacob Byk.

Candice Dungan

Red Bull’s inflatable arch was raised the Student Recreational and Wellness Center basketball courts Saturday night in preparation for the Red Bull Paper Wings event.

As the paper airplane contest commenced, women dressed as Red Bull flight attendants judged the contestants for distance, airtime and aerobatics.

“I made it like an arrow,” said Alex Slattery, senior computer information systems major. “It has the least wind resistance, least drag. When I launch, it has less of a chance of going left or right.”

Slattery won the distance competition, along with a $75 Visa Inc. gift card, five cases of Red Bull and a chance to compete at the semifinals competition in Columbus.

Other winners include Garrett Lavigna, freshman nutrition major, for airtime and Cole Mitchell, freshman business management major, for aerobatics.

If Slattery, Lavigna, and Mitchell place at a semifinals contest, they will be given the opportunity to travel to Austria for the World Finals.

“To go to Europe as a college student just because you throw paper airplanes, that’s pretty cool,” said Paul Szeltner, senior crafts and fine arts major and paper airplanes contestant.

Alan Lin, senior aeronautics major, explained it would be exciting to have the chance to go to Austria, but he was competing simply for fun, which seemed to be the theme of the night.

“I’ve been making paper airplanes since I came out of my mother’s womb,” said Nick Teresko, junior middle childhood education major and paper airplanes contestant.

Funny; but, as the slogan goes, “Red Bull gives you wings.”

Contact Candice Dungan at [email protected].