Future famous: One KSU student dedicates her time to the less fortunate

Maura Zurick

Editor’s note: This story is part three of four in our “future famous” series, where we profile students who we think will have an impact in the years to come.


Kristin Mulcahy’s parents thought her idealism was just a phase.

Mulcahy, junior international relations major, is a member of UNICEF, the political science club and the Kent State chapter of Amnesty International. She is the president of Invisible Children on campus, which is a group she started her freshman year at Kent State.

Invisible Children is a nonprofit organization that focuses on helping children in Uganda by utilizing the media, and Mulcahy considers it to be her “baby.”

She said it’s more than just a group because it’s a bunch of people coming together with thoughts and philosophies that bind them all together as they try to make the world a better place.

 “I think you should always be a part of something that you’re passionate about,” she said. “When I have meetings every day people ask me, ‘Why don’t you focus on your school work?’ and I tell them I wouldn’t be able to focus on my school unless I do these things. Honestly, they are what I enjoy, where I find my friends and discuss what I’m thinking about. They make me come alive.”

Her biggest fears are apathy and losing her 20-year-old idealism.

“I don’t want to be that person who looks back and thinks about all the things I wanted to do in my twenties. I want to actually do them.”

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Mulcahy said she believes in the power of the people and understands the reality of the world and knows that a lot needs to be done. She has the dedication to help raise awareness of what the world is actually like outside of Kent and the United States.

“Groups can do so much, it’s inspiring and the best feeling is to be a part of something that truly believes in something,” she said. “That’s why I get involved in so much. All of the groups I’m a part of have the power to all come together and do something really great. It’s not just one person that can make the change, but everyone has the power in them to change the world.”

Julie Mazzei, political science professor, has taught Mulcahy in two classes — World Politics and Human Rights and Social Justice. Mazzei said Mulcahy’s work ethic is amazing, and the work she does reflects that she has very high standards.

“I can totally see Kristin working for a nonprofit or a [non-governmental organization]. I don’t see her in an office setting because I think she will actually be out there making a difference. But I do see her in a leadership position,” she said. “I see her actually working and volunteering in the field doing something that has practical meaning. But I think she’ll be doing it while understanding the bigger picture.”

After graduation, Mulcahy hopes to join the Peace Corps for two years, then attend graduate school for nonprofit studies and eventually work for a nonprofit organization.

“I think the reason I enjoy campus organizations so much is because I love bringing people together and motivating them and working towards a common goal. Plus the world sucks, so it’s kind of nice to try and help,” Mulcahy said.

Mazzei said Mulcahy has the skills to do hands-on stuff and understands the detail as well as the micro-level efforts that have to be done, but she also makes the connection and knows what needs to be done.

“Somebody I knew in grad school said to me once that, ‘People make a difference in the world because they think they can,’” Mazzei said. “Kristin knows that she can make a change so she will. She already has made a change in the world by doing all that she does every day.”


Contact Maura Zurick at [email protected].