Eat this. Not that.

Rachel Jones

The United States Department of Agriculture suggests how to get the most nutritious choices out of the different areas of the Food Guide Pyramid:


-Choose fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese


-Make at least half of your grains whole grains, which provide more fiber

Fruits and Vegetables

-Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables for beneficial vitamins


-Choose lean or low-fat meat and poultry, such as turkey or skinless chicken

-Choose seafood rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon or trout

-Avoid processed meats, such as ham, sausage and hot dogs, because they are full of sodium

Standing in line for dinner, FlashCard in hand, students are bombarded with dozens of options. Something gooey and cheesy? Something baked and salt-free? There are healthy options, unhealthy options and everything in between.

But Mike Vig, manager of Eastway Cafe, said “healthy” eating has become a relative term.

“What’s healthy for you may not be healthy for me,” Vig said. “You need to make the choice yourself, and it’s up to you to educate yourself.”

This education could involve planning meals ahead of time, knowing the Food Guide Pyramid or knowing what the food you’re about to buy is actually made of.

We did some digging to show you which foods at the dining halls pack the most nutritional value and which are packed with the most fat and calories.

Contact Rachel Jones at [email protected].