KentWired Trivia Results for Sept. 21, 2011
September 20, 2011
Here’s the answers to the KentWired trivia quiz.
Q:What is the current average lifespan of a human being in the United States?
A:78.3 years old
Q:What country has the highest life expentancy rate overall for it’s citizens?
A:Japan with 82.6
Q:What are 80% of the pictures on the internet related to?
A:Naked Women
Q:What children’s cartoon has been suggested to limit the attention spans of it’s viewers by the Journal of Pediatrics?
A:Spongebob Squarepants
Q:Who did Forbes magazine rank as the worlds most powerful man?
A:Hu Jintao – President of the People’s Republic of China.
Q:What medicenal purpose was the vibrator used for during the 19th century?
A:Female Hysteria
Q: Which former U.S president was the oldest to be elected president?
A:Ronald Reagan
Q:What nationality was voted “coolest” by users?
Q:What do college students tend to talk about more than they engage in?
A:Casual sex, or “hooking-up.”