How well do pick-up lines work?

Shannen Laur

Pick-up lines. We’ve all heard them. They are usually cheesy and a total turn-off. It is the biggest offense to a sane person’s life. But, do they sometimes work? Or are these inappropriate, crude lines completely outdated and worthless?

Pick-up lines work.

Maybe the best way to meet your next significant other really is by approaching them with, “Do you have a map? I’m lost in your eyes.” Pick-up lines could possibly be a way to start a light-hearted conversation or break the ice.

“If they’re clever and make me laugh, I’ll talk to them,” said Alex Rodgers, sophomore pre-nursing major. “If they’re creepy, I’m nexting them. What’s your sign? That never works.”


Pick-up lines don’t work. Ever.

It is probably safe to say that the best way to meet someone is by simply approaching them. Striking up a casual conversation with a cute boy or girl will definitely work much better than saying something absurdly offensive. Always remember, people appreciate real conversations.

“Pick-up lines usually don’t work because they are just so cheesy,” said Katie Power, sophomore art education major. “Don’t beat around the bush. With me, confidence is key.”

Contact Shannen Laur at [email protected].