Keyboard Series features Cleveland Orchestra guest violinist

Photo by Philip Botta.

Brooke Bower

The ninth annual Kent Keyboard Series’ third performance will feature Jerry Wong, associate professor of piano, playing with guest violinist Jung-Min Amy Lee of the Cleveland Orchestra on Sunday. This series will run through the end of this semester.

“This year’s series focuses on collaboration,” Wong said. “What’s unique about this concert is that it features one composer, not multiple composers, who only wrote three sonatas for the violin and piano.”

Wong and Lee, the associate concertmaster of the orchestra, are playing three sonatas composed by Johannes Brahms for the piano and violin. Wong said that the sonatas are favorites of his, and that it is exciting to be able to play all three in one concert. Lee was unavailable for comment.

“Each (sonata) is remarkable for its tightness of structure and beauty of expression,” Wong said.

He said he first encountered Lee’s remarkable talent at Kent/Blossom Music, and that he is thrilled to be working with her. They will perform at 5 p.m. on Sunday in Ludwig Recital Hall in the Music and Speech Center. The cost is $10 for adults and students, faculty and staff tickets are free.

“It will just be the two of us on the stage the whole time,” Wong said. “It’s true collaboration.”

Contact Brooke Bower at [email protected].