Letter to the editor: Thank you, students

John J. Crnkovich

Dear Editor,

About 12:30 p.m. on Dec. 1, I tripped and fell at the corner of College and Lincoln. This caused me to be paralyzed from head to foot for four hours. I am up and back to walking now.

I would like to thank the young lady, a student, for giving me her knit cap so my head would not get cold.

I would like to thank the student who covered me with his jacket.

I would like to thank the young man, a student, who called Kent EMS.

I would like to thank the students who helped the firemen place me on a backboard and load me on the “wagon” to take me to the hospital.

I would like to thank the student who gave me encouraging words.

I would like to thank Kent EMS for the care they gave me.

To all of you students who stopped to help and encourage me when I was in need of help, you gave me my Christmas presents early! I do not know your names, but I hope you will see this thank you note.


John J. Crnkovich