Finding energy in unfamiliar places

Kelsey Misbrener

Energy can come from more than just a five-hour energy drink. Kent State students find motivation and energy in less obvious places.

Looking over her shoulder while in line at Einstein’s, Meghan Bower, sophomore justice studies major, noticed a girl wearing a bright neon pink shirt and said, “I just got some energy from that.”

Rachel Wilson, sophomore nursing major, also finds energy in outward appearances.

Running a hand through her straight brown hair, she says, “When I do my hair and step out the door, I’m like, hey, I’m ready to go.” She said taking the time out of her day to make herself look better gives her an instant energy boost.

Her friend Mary Holt, junior business management major, added that she believes in the ‘look good, do good’ theory. She said she and Wilson get ready and look presentable for exams because she feels they do better when they look better.

Other people can also boost energy levels. Emily Getz, sophomore fashion merchandising major, said shopping at a crowded mall is instant energy for her.

“I get my energy from other people,” Getz said.

So does Stefanie Wilson, sophomore hospitality major. Sitting with her smiling friend, she said, “People’s personalities give me energy. Hyped up, happy-go-lucky people put me in a good mood.”

Laughter is an instant mood booster. John Kamau, sophomore pre-med major, said joking around is his go-to solution for a lackluster day.

“When someone laughs, it’s so contagious,” Kamau said, his white teeth exposed in a grin. “Everyone starts laughing.”

Anticipation and excitement are another source of energy.

“Having something to look forward to” gives Cory DelSavio, freshman air traffic control major, a boost. “Like if you’re seeing your girlfriend later,” he said with a blush.

“Sex is a stimulant,” Kubik said. “Not even so much the sex, because once you’re finished, you’re tired.”

Kubik also said the mere thought of sex is energizing.

Although it’s nice to get energized by other people, sometimes it must come from within.

Amanda Kis, senior youth development major, said, “It’s not about getting energized, but focusing your energy on things that are important.”

Contact Kelsey Misbrener at [email protected].