Daniel La Botz bio
October 17, 2010
Daniel H. La Botz
Age: 65
Party: Socialist
Resume: Volunteer with the United Farm Workers union; founding member of Teamsters for a Democratic Union; author of Rank and Rebellion: Teamsters for a Democratic Union, The Crisis of Mexican Labor and The Troublemaker’s Handbook: How to Fight Back Where you Work and Win!; reporter for the Chicago Daily Defender and the Mexico City News; organizer for the House Staff Association at Cook County Hospital; history teacher at Northern Kentucky University and visiting professor at the University of Cincinnati and Miami University
Daniel La Botz has lived in Ohio for the last 20 years, currently in Cincinnati with his wife Sherry while his two sons are away at college in New York and Illinois.
As a young man, La Botz was an anti-war activist and a community and labor organizer.
He attended Southwestern College in Chula Vista before graduating from San Diego State College in 1968. While in college, La Botz volunteered with the United Farm Workers union to help support farm worker strikes for higher wages and better conditions on the tomato ranches in southern San Diego County, sparking his interest in the Spanish language and Latin American culture.
After college, La Botz worked as a librarian, social worker, steelworker and a truck driver. La Botz also worked as a writer for the Chicago Daily Defender, an African American newspaper, before he was fired for helping to organize a local union with the Newspaper Guild. La Botz is currently an educator. He spent ten years teaching at various colleges and continues to teach Spanish at a Cincinnati elementary school.
Higher Education
-LaBotz would like free education at all levels by taxing corporations and the very wealthy.
-He also pushes for access to quality education at all levels, no matter the economic class and seeks to pass the Dream Act allowing immigrant children to attend college.
-Seeks to shorten teachers’ hours and increase their pay
Economic recovery
-Believes the U.S. and state governments should take over idle plants where ready workforces exist and turn them toward green production
-Seeks government job programs to employ the unemployed in socially valuable work, such as rebuilding the infrastructure of aging cities, environmental conservation and health and education programs
-Thinks full employment can be created by shortening the work week to 32 hours work for 40 hours pay with no loss in wages
Health care
-La Botz would like all Americans to have the right to publicly funded health care.
-No denial of health or social programs to immigrants
Source: http://danlabotz.com/about/