USG elections 2010
March 1, 2010
College of Arts and Sciences
Name: Samuel Chambers
Major: Political Sciences
Year: Junior
Chambers said the communication between faculty and students is paramount, and he will work to facilitate that relationship. If elected, he said he would communicate with Timothy Moerland, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, to get students’ ideas taken seriously.
— Kathryn McGonagle
Name: Christopher D. Jones
Major: Political Science
Year: Freshman
Jones said his goals are to be the connecting piece between students and USG, and he wants to help students understand USG and allow them to get their voices heard.
— Kathryn McGonagle
College of Business Administration
Name: Carl Fejko
Major: Marketing
Year: Sophomore
Fejko is running for senator of the College of Business Administration because he wants to address issues that are important to business students. His goals include creating a student committee to meet regularly to address these issues and others such as the condition of Room 200 in the Business Building and the time that honors college classes are offered.
— Amanda Klitsch
Name: D’Angelo McCornell
Major: Business Management
Year: Junior
McCornell is running for senator of the College of Business Administration because he wants to use his leadership ability to become more involved with his collegiate peers. His goals include getting more conference rooms that are accessible to everyone so that business students will have more space and opportunity to get projects done.
— Amanda Klitsch
College of Communication and Information
Name: Vaughn Stull
Major: Electronic Media Production
Year: Senior
Stull, who is a write-in candidate, said he hopes to facilitate direct communication and transparency between himself and the students he is representing by raising awareness about what is going on with the Undergraduate Student Government.
— Rabab Al-Sharif
Name: Margaret Thompson
Major: Broadcast journalism and architectural studies major
Year: Junior
Thompson said she wants students to be aware of what Undergraduate Student Government does. She said she has no personal motives for running and just wants to represent what students want in terms of entertainment and on-campus renovations.
— Rabab Al-Sharif
College of Technology
Name: Somadina Nwaokafor
Major: Construction Management
Year: Junior
Nwaokafor is the current senator looking for reelection. He said he would like to put emphasis on the construction management program to make it better known and to promote the College of Technology.
— Nicole Aikens
Name: Kenneth Wayne Smith, Jr.
Major: Aeronautics
Year: Sophomore
Smith is running because he believes he can get more attendance for the College of Technology. Smith’s main goal is to promote the aeronautics program so prospective students will consider the program more seriously.
— Nicole Aikens
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Name: Carolyn Isaacson
Major: Architecture
Year: Freshman
Isaacson said her goals are to make more lectures and presentations that are associated with the College of Architecture and Environmental Design available to the students more often and to get the college involved in some more university-wide activities.
— Nicole Aikens
College of Education, Health, and Human Services
Name: Andrew Carr
Year: Junior
Major: Integrated Social Studies
“Being an R.A. keeps me busy, but I thought I could do more to get involved. You can’t just get an education by going to classes. A degree counts but the experience is what matters.”
— Dan Richardson