Editor’s notes: Keeping our focus on you

Denise Wright

I have a feeling I’m not alone when I admit I wasn’t ready for this semester to begin. But it’s here and ready to rock us.

But I, like most students, get through my week by looking forward to no-class Fridays and making plans for the weekend ahead.

That’s where weekly issues of all come into play. The all staff has always been committed to keeping you informed on what’s going on, both on and off campus – whether it be through shows posted on our weekly calendar or a review of the latest films.

And while it’s usually us throwing ideas out on the table, this semester we’d like to make it more about you. We’re writing so YOU know what’s going on. Chances are, we’re probably already sick of reading our stories by the time they come out anyway.

We could have spent our entire break coming up with ideas on what students at Kent State want to see from all. But naturally, there’s only so much the 13 of us can do.

So over break, our reporters went out and talked to students about what they did and didn’t like about past issues of all. Here’s what we’ve come up with and how we’re going to make it happen:

n In general, students wanted to see stories that were shorter and easier to read, so this semester we’re going to focus on breaking up stories to make them more reader-friendly.

n Students tended to like more visually appealing issues, so that means we’re putting in more art requests and thinking of more graphic ideas.

n We thought about limiting the page 2 calendar to the best events of the week, but the responses we got indicated you guys want more choices – so we’re going to keep giving them to you.

n We were surprised to learn readers showed little preference between local and national stories. They said they wanted a good mix, so of course, you can expect that from our coverage this semester.

We’ve already started with this issue. We’ve broken up our double truck to make for easier reading. We’ve also made our double truck feature more nationally focused. But of course, we still have local features like a profile on local videographer Andrew Pitrone and a piece on the ever-popular Hot Knees dance party.

And of course, if we don’t have what you’re looking for, let us know.

Do you have a friend who makes these amazing screenprinted shirts? Is there a movie you’re particularly interested in us running a review for? Want to see an interview with this really great band who’s going to be coming to Cleveland? Shoot an e-mail my way.

We’re eager for fresh ideas, and we’d love to hear what you’ve got for us.

Contact all editor Denise Wright at [email protected].