QLF outlines semester goals
September 4, 2007
Queer Liberation Front began its first meeting of the semester last night by wrapping up last year’s unfinished business.
April Templeman, co-founder of the organization, said throughout the year, the group plans to follow up with the safety survey they conducted last semester. After conducting the survey, they found some parts of campus were not as safe as they could be. She said she would like to check on the progress of fixing the group’s concerns, which have already been addressed to the university’s administration.
Also, last year the group took action to have Kent State’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender library move from its current location in Merrill Hall to the University Library.
Templeman said President Lester Lefton supported this decision, however, the group did not receive a response from others at the university who could put the plan into action. She said they will continue to work toward this goal throughout the semester.
Trae Ruscin, chair of QLF, said he would like to host workshops or a lecture series to educate the rest of the Kent State community about LGBT issues, particularly during Coming Out Week in October. This is something he said he would like to collaborate with PRIDE!Kent.
Another goal Templeman has for this year is to get involved with departments outside of human sexuality classes.
“The logic behind going to other departments is because being queer isn’t just about your sexuality – your whole life is affected,” she said. “Working with PRIDE on that would be really awesome, I think.”
Templeman said she also hopes to host a job fair at Kent State that would bring LGBT-friendly employers to the campus.
Contact minority affairs reporter Christina Stavale at [email protected].