Get to know who’s fighting for you: the Undergraduate Student Senate

Heather Scarlett


Credit: Steve Schirra

Incoming freshmen may not realize that, even on a campus of 35,000 students, they have a voice — through the Undergraduate Student Senate.

Ross Miltner, executive director of the USS and a senior communication studies major, said the Undergraduate Student Senate was chartered by the Board of Trustees to give students input into university affairs.

The Senate’s role at Kent State has evolved and is now an “advocate for the students,” in addition to being entrusted with the allocation of the student activity fees, he said.

Although students may not know it, USS has a large impact in life on campus.

“(We) do programs that benefit the student body,” Miltner said. Some examples are the Student Credit Union and Student Legal Services.

The USS is also trying to help find more cost-effective ways for students to buy textbooks. The Senate’s old online book exchange has now been upgraded to a new site called Flash Swap. It can be found at

This new site is not just a buy-and-sell book exchange. It includes many things, from clothes to cars to books.

Miltner said the USS is also starting up a Web site called, which will help students find activities in and around Kent State.

Each representative on the Senate deals with different issues across the campus, such as academic affairs, student relations and governmental affairs.

“(We have a) responsibility to be the voice of the undergraduate students,” Miltner said.

Wondering where you may see the USS influence during orientation week? Just look to the sky.

The Senate will be sponsoring the Stars and Streetlights event on Friday night of the Week of Welcome.

The USS will be busing students downtown for the activities, Miltner said. There will be venders, games and more, he said.

Later on in the year the Senate will co-sponsor a Halloween Night without alcohol, Miltner said.

If students would like to get involved with the USS and be a part of campus decisions, Miltner said some of those ways are running for Senate in mid-March, or access the USS web site ( to decide which committee they would like to be a part of.

“Committees are a great way to get involved at the ground level,” he said.

The USS holds public meetings once a week during the regular semester.

At the beginning and end of each meeting the Senate has public contributions, at which time anybody can say what he or she would like to say, Miltner said.

ontact general assignment reporter Heather Scarlett at [email protected].