Greeks work together for good

Jessica Lentine

The benefits of joining a sorority are almost impossible to explain in words. The feeling you get being at a Greek event, where all the sororities and fraternities have united, raised thousands of dollars and are having fun just being together, is priceless.

Greek life is for anyone who loves meeting new people and wants to get more involved. It can be difficult to leave your friends and family behind when you come to college, but a sorority provides you with a strong foundation of friends and a home away from home.

There are many opportunities to develop leadership skills that will help you in school, as well as in your career. You can also make connections with people who will help you get started in your career after you graduate.

The sororities on campus are not divided or segregated, as some may think, but instead, we all work together. Each sorority has its own philanthropy, which is an annual event that a chapter holds to raise money for charity, and all of the other chapters participate to help them reach their goal.

Greeks also hold many events throughout the year as a community to raise money for charity. During our annual Greek Week, we compete in sporting events, a talent show, an all-Greek cookout, blood drives and Relay for Life. We also put on a show called Songfest. Each sorority is paired up with two or three fraternities, and they put together a song-and-dance routine.

These are just a few of the things that we participate in each year, but the list is endless.

My decision to go Greek my freshman year was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I could have never anticipated the amazing experiences and lifelong friendships that I’ve created in only two years.

If you are interested in learning more about sororities, it is worth your time to at least give it a try. At the very least, you’ll make a few new friends along the way!

Jessica Lentine is a junior information design major and a general assignment reporter for the Summer Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].