Drake Wartman

Director of Communication and Marketing Candidate for USG. 

Director of Communication and Marketing Candidate

Q: What is your platform? 

A: “A big part of USG is outreach. I believe that people need to know more about us. We offer free blue books, conference funding and things like that. One of my biggest objectives for the upcoming year is definitely outreach. Making sure people know what USG is and what we do. I really want to promote us on social media and get us out there. A lot of my work as Director of Academic Affairs has been on student opinion and student voice. I want to make sure we are being receptive to student opinion and that we are doing the absolute most we can do to benefit the student body and put the students first.” 

Q: Why should people vote for you?

A: “My experience. I have served on government for the past year and I have gotten a lot of insight on how government functions and what the specific roles are for. I feel with student government, you come in in August and there’s Blastoff and you have to be ready to go and you have to be ready to recruit new students and gather their interests, and if you’re still figuring out what your position is there’s no time for that. I feel like coming in with a background in student government will really help me be ready and prime to come and tackle the job the best that I can.”

Q: What changes do you want to enact?

A: “I have focused a lot of this year on legislation for student voice and student opinion. Any changes I want to make I don’t want to layout right now and make them my changes, any changes I make I want to be student-led changes. I want changes to be from the student voice that I have gathered. One of my largest projects this year was the suggestion boxes. Every single college and senator on USG has its own suggestion box. I would like to enact those changes and what people are suggesting. I would definitely like to go with what the student body wants rather than what I want.”