Applications still being accepted



Students interested in running for one of nine 2005-2006 Undergraduate Student Senate positions should turn in applications by 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Office of Campus Life.

Twenty people had picked up an application in the Office of Campus Life as of Friday. The only position still unopposed is that of executive director.

“Nobody wanted to be the president after Roosevelt,” Executive Director Gary Broadbent said, laughing. “It’s a daunting task, but one that has been personally rewarding for me. It is difficult, especially with E.D. You are doing work for the senate 25 to 30 hours a week.”

Earlier last week, few students had picked up applications to run for senate, USS adviser Donna Carlton said.

“Some years we have more interest than others,” she said. “The most people we’ve had running since I’ve been here is 32.”

This is Carlton’s 13th year with the Office of Campus Life.

Students running for senate must turn in a candidate petition with 174 undergraduate Kent State main campus student signatures in addition with the application. Candidates must also sign up to have their photos taken for the USS Web site and to make platform videos for the plasma screen television in the Student Center.

—Jessica Rothschuh