Tire Safety with ODOT

District 4 Ohio Department of Transportation speaks on how they contribute to making the roads safer on tires and free of potholes. 

This time of year seems to be the worst for car tires as potholes fill the streets and widen due to snow and ice. 

ODOT’S Fourth District Public Information Officer Ray Marsch, says “use caution while you’re out there in these months,” because “sometimes you have to hit that pothole unfortunately.”

Fortunately, ODOT does all it can to ensure safer roads through constant maintenance.

“Whenever it’s not snowing, our crews are busy out still fixing the roads even in January, February, and March” says Marsch.

ODOT continues to monitor the roads throughout the winter months with help from the public. 

“We take calls all the time from the public” says Marsch.

Not only does Marsch suggest taking it slow on the road to avoid potholes, but he also mentions the option to file a claim on their website at dot.state.oh.us. 

Shaquiena Davis is a TV2 Reporter. Contact them at [email protected]