Twinsburg workshop talks millenial work ethic

Krista DeFini Reporter

Millennials expect different things from their employers, a business and management consultant told a group of local businesswomen this week.

“They keep their work and home life separated,” said Ned Parks.

Millennial work ethics and habits were the topic at the Twinsburg regional campus workshop Tuesday.  

The Kent State Twinsburg Regional Academic Center partnered with the Twinsburg Chamber of Commerce to create its first of six business leadership workshops. These workshops are designed for anybody in a leadership position. 

“They work to fulfill their needs. What can they get out of it?” Parks described millennials’ work ethic. 

“Millennials’ heart disease due to stress will be half of Generation X. …Millennials are more likely to deny a promotion if offered one. This is crazy to us boomers, like more hours would give us more money. But to millennials time is more important than money,” Parks said.

Many of the attendees seem to have the same concern when it came to working with millennials. Shannon Jones does administration work with the Cleveland Clinic and manages a branch in Twinsburg. 

“I work with younger generations, some as old as my son, and I want to learn more about how to connect and work with them,” Jones said. 

Parks addressed their concerns with information and personal stories.

“Different is not wrong. Different is different,” Parks said.

Parks ended his presentation with a joke: “If you are a boomer complaining about millennials, you really haven’t thought about it. They will be working and running your nursing home one day.”

The next workshop will occur on March 26. If all six workshops are attended the attendee will receive a certification of completion.

Krista DeFini is a regionals reporter. Contact her at [email protected].