Students discuss thefts at campus recreation centers

The outside of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, recently reopened in August.

Skylar Edington, Reporter

Since the beginning of the spring semester, the Kent State Police have documented 10 cases of theft on campus, with several being at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.

The university has two recreation facilities: the SRWC and the Tri-Rec.

Many students go to the Rec centers to workout, play intramural sports and socialize with friends. Each building has a set of locker rooms where students can place personal belongings.

Students are urged to bring locks to protect their items, so they do not get stolen. The SRWC also allows students to check out free locks or purchase one at the member service desk.

However, some students elect not to use a lock, allowing lockers to remain unguarded with their personal belongings.

Junior hospitality and event management major Mikayla Braman said she had her AirPods stolen out of a locker at the Tri-Rec her sophomore year.

“I should have either kept my AirPods with me or kept them in my jacket,” Braman said.

The Rec centers are highly attended by students. The SRWC tracks over 400,000 swipes a year. High traffic areas like this can be an easy target for stolen items.

Junior nutrition major Austin Troyer said students can avoid theft by keeping an eye on their items. Troyer is a regular at the SRWC. He goes seven days a week and has never had his belongings stolen.

“I usually have everything in my bag, and carry it from each machine or equipment I use throughout the workout,” Troyer said.

If you wish to rent a lock you can do so by calling the member service desk at 330-672-0482. To report stolen items, you can email the Rec at [email protected] or by calling 330-672-4732.

Skylar Edington is a reporter. Contact her at [email protected].