FAB trivia night celebrates Women’s History Month

Janson McNair

Clara Hubbard announces questions at the Flash Activities Board’s HERStory Trivia event March 2.

Kayla Gleason, Reporter

Women’s History Month celebrates women and their contributions to society, ranging from historical figures to modern-day trailblazers.

This past Wednesday signaled the start of the month, and Flash Activities Board kicked off the celebration with HERstory Trivia, an educational trivia night concerning women’s history.

“I knew more than I thought I did about women’s history,” said sophomore fashion designer major Jaslyn Ly, one of the winners of the game.

Ly said more people need to be aware of women’s history. She said events such as this one are important in spreading awareness of the month and in celebrating the accomplishments of women.

“I still do not know everything about women’s history,” she said. “So, events like this are important.”

Clara Hubbard, FAB’s director of late-night events, acknowledged the limited information many people have on the topic, which is what inspired her to plan this event in the hopes of educating others.

“Even for me, I wasn’t the biggest history person in high school,” she said. “Now that I’m older, I try to educate myself, and you would hope that people are doing that, but it’s kind of hard to assume that everybody knows what you’re talking about.”

Joseph Lukas (left) and Shannon Brown (right) go head-to-head at the Flash Activities Board’s HERStory Trivia event Mar. 2. (Janson McNair)

Hubbard said she was pleased with how the event went, especially since it shared important information with participants.

“I’m really glad that this event had a good turnout because it had a good amount of meaning behind it, so I think it went really well,” she said.

After two rounds of trivia, three winners were given prizes such as shirts, games and gift cards. All of the items were donated by the Women’s Center and LGBTQ+ Center.

“It was absolutely amazing to collaborate with the Women’s Center and the LGBTQ+ Center,” Hubbard said. “They’re amazing people.”

The Women’s Center has several events happening throughout the month to honor women’s history, including a celebration of International Women’s Day at the Center of Undergraduate Excellence on March 8.

Kayla Gleason is a reporter. Contact her at [email protected].