‘Condoms on the K’ kicks off Sex Week

Junior visual communication design major Sarita Kumde and freshman architecture major Adryan Reyes (wearing the “Condom Fairy” costume) give free condoms to junior speech pathology major Breanna Lokken and sophomore early childhood education major Nick Miller during Kent Interhall Council’s Condoms of the K at Risman Plaza on Monday, Oct. 21, 2019. 

Kent Interhall Council members and volunteers handed out free condoms and lube during Condoms on the K on Risman Plaza Monday to kick off Kent State’s Sex Week.

“I think that it’s promoting safe sex,” said Lauren Koval, a freshman interior design major.

Volunteers walked around Risman Plaza with buckets and top hats full of condoms and lube. The top hats were to concur with Sex Week’s magic theme.

Attendants and students walking to their next class were also handed a Sex Week schedule. The schedule came with a sticker on it to show your attendance and participation. Students who attend five out of the nine Sex Week events will be gifted a free fanny pack.

“It’s mostly just convenient,” Michael Turle, a freshman English major, said. “I think that it is great for promoting sexual health.”

Alice Fermaintt, the host of all 2019 Sex Week events and the director of programming for KIC, said she wanted to be inclusive to people who do not identify as a sexual person during Sex Week as well as sexually active people.

“That is why I pushed for ‘Ally Training’ and a self-defense event,” Fermaintt said.

Sophia Schilling, a freshman computer information systems major, said her mother is a nurse, so she has been hearing about safe sex all of her life. 

“I like this a lot,” she said. “I think it helps raise awareness.”

One of the volunteers, a junior marketing major and marketing co-chair for MEN, Anthony Magee, said “I think that this is great for awareness and I believe that it is a personal issue to practice safe sex. It’s free. Why not come out and have some fun?”

For those who need incentive, Sex Week will be giving away AirPods, a Bluetooth speaker and Sex Week T-shirts at the last event of Sex Week: “Sextoberfest.”

Students can qualify to win the AirPods and the Bluetooth speaker by following KIC on social media and reposting flyers about upcoming Sex Week events. 

Sextoberfest will be Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. in the Kent Student Center. Fermaintt said there will be 20 booths and if you visit just 15 you will be awarded a free Sex Week T-shirt.

“I think that (Condoms on the K) is very helpful to students,” Carley Hammers, a freshman early education major, said.

For those interested in attending other events, plan ahead with Sex Week’s Schedule by following KIC on Instagram and Twitter @kentinterhall.

Contact Terry Lee III at [email protected].