The BORG: Gen Z’s party powerhouse

Grace Springer

Jugs of water sit on a shelf at ACME. BORGs are typically made with half water, half alcohol and flavored with electrolytes or caffeine.

Grace Springer, General Assignment Editor

Editor’s note: Cam was granted anonymity to not have his last name published to protect his image.

The blackout rage gallon (BORG) rose to viral fame in 2020 and has since become a drink of choice for Gen Z.

The BORG is a gallon jug filled with half water, half alcohol and flavored with electrolytes and caffeine mixers. Some say this is a safer approach to binge drinking, but many health and safety questions remain.

“You basically get a gallon of water and you pour off some of the water and then you put your liquor of choice in the gallon,” psychology major Cam said. “Then you can add in flavoring like MIO, and then you add liquid IV.”

Cam said he first heard about the drink when he visited a friend for a fest at Ohio University. He said the drink became popular because of certain benefits.

MIO is squeezed into a glass of water. MIO is a flavored drink additive that typically contains caffeine. (Grace Springer)

“I think that the reason they were so popular for these fests is because it was technically a closed container because you could put the lid on it,” he said. “It’s a lot safer than carrying around an open drink.”

Cam said having a closed container prevents people from spiking drinks, making binge drinking much safer.

While BORG consumers are in control of how much alcohol they add, the typical ratio of BORGs is 50% alcohol, an amount that can be addicting if it becomes habitual, according to Kent City Health Commissioner Joan Seidel.

“The fact is that if you’re having to do that, I think it shows that you’re intending to drink too much,” she said. “[If] I’m going to drink a half a gallon of alcohol mixed with electrolytes, I’m still drinking a half a gallon of alcohol, even though there is something that’s going to prevent the hangover, that’s not going to prevent addiction.”

Seidel said any form of binge drinking can be unhealthy and can lead to addiction.

Different types of alcohol sit on a countertop. Seidel said people may turn to alcohol to lower inhibitions during social events. (Grace Springer)

“Alcohol can be addictive, and the more you drink, the easier it could be to form an addiction,” she said. “Also it impairs judgment. We don’t always make the best decisions when our alcohol level is up.”

Seidel said people that are intoxicated can be a risk to themselves and others by making poor decisions like drunk driving or getting hurt from falling down.

Consuming alcohol is widespread among college students. According to a survey from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “almost 53 percent of full-time college students ages 18 to 22 drank alcohol in the past month and about 33 percent engaged in binge drinking during that same time frame.”

Even so, Cam said since college students are likely to participate in party culture no matter what, BORGs are one solution to make drinking less harmful. A move he said is a step in the right direction.

“In the past […] there’s been lots of really crazy traditions that involve alcohol like chugging things or the big garbage cans full of jungle juice and it’s kind of scary to think about taking some kind of drink that somebody else made or that somebody could have tampered with,” he said. “The whole idea of the BORG has really combatted those issues, and I think that it’s nice to not have to worry about those kinds of things when you’re supposed to be having fun.”

Additionally, he said the BORG is one way Gen Z is taking control of their alcohol consumption. For him, the BORG helps him drink smarter.

“I am a very, very big advocate for not overdoing it when I drink. I have had plenty of experiences where I have overdone it and it’s not fun,” he said. “I think that this invention of the BORG is actually a really smart thing. I’ve not had any bad experiences with it thus far.”

Seidel said party culture is hard to avoid, particularly in college, but she warned that binge drinking at a young age can lead to dangerous habits.

A man walks out of Water Street Tavern in downtown Kent. Cam said BORGs are a cheaper alternative to going out and drinking at bars. (Grace Springer)

“Having been young once and having attended college and college parties, I’m not unfamiliar with binge drinking,” she said. “I know often when you’re young you feel like you’ll never have a problem. This will never affect you or your friends, but I think binge drinking can set you up for problems throughout your life, so people should really think hard about it.”

Seidel said it is important to be aware of the addictive qualities of alcohol, and if you are struggling with addiction, reach out to a doctor or addiction advocacy organization.

For now and in the future, Cam emphasized the importance of drinking responsibly.

“If you’re going to be ingesting alcohol, you might as well be doing it in a controlled safe way that kind of combats possible health risks at the same time,” he said.

Grace Springer is the General Assignment Editor. Contact her at [email protected].