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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Opinion: Obama’s latest speech sums up my current mindset

Samantha Karam May 4, 2016

Last Saturday, the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner took place. The purpose of this annual event is to recognize the journalists who cover news related to the president and the White House....

Opinion: Tradition can grow from tragedy

Skye McEowen May 3, 2016

“Don’t get shot,” someone said to me when my 17-year-old self told them I would be attending Kent State in fall 2013. I laughed awkwardly, not exactly knowing how to respond to something that—though...

Our View: May 4 is part of Kent State’s identity

Kent Stater Editors May 3, 2016

Ohio National Guardsmen shot and killed four Kent State students and wounded nine others on May 4, 1970, while students protested the American war in Vietnam on campus.The university created the May 4...

Ty Sugick

Opinion: Samaria Rice fit for keynote address

Ty Sugick May 3, 2016

Kent State and the May 4th Task Force notified the general public last week that Samaria Rice, the mother of the late Tamir Rice, would be this year's keynote speaker.Soon after the announcement of the...

Matt Poe

Opinion: A few thoughts on May 4

Matt Poe May 3, 2016

The date of May 4 holds no significance to most people. Aside from birthdays, anniversaries and Star Wars geeks who love to proclaim “May the fourth be with you” to one another, the day is just another...

Our View: Staying relatable is key

May 1, 2016

During the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night, President Barack Obama delivered his last speech that was filled with somber remembrances and jokes covering everything from politicians...

Ritchie Mulhall

Opinion: Condense the NFL Draft

Richard Mulhall May 1, 2016

I know all the sports fans out there reading this are going to respond to my column this week with a big “duh,” but the NFL Draft needs to be condensed.The first round of the 2016 NFL Draft, which...

Lucas Misera

Opinion: Tunsil draft night not “exciting”

Lucas Misera May 1, 2016

The NFL Draft is an annual celebration of football that brings fans at both the collegiate and professional levels together. The pageantry and excitement surrounding the event helps the NFL stay relevant,...

Our View: Keep concealed carry at a minimum

April 27, 2016

In November 2015, the Ohio House passed House Bill 48 to be approved by the Senate that same month. While the bill remains there, the contents of the bill are controversial to many.The bill would allow...

Jacob Tabler is a junior political science major and a member of the Kent State College Republicans. Contact him at

Opinion: Tensions rise in the GOP primaries

Jacob Tabler Kent State College Republicans April 27, 2016

This past Tuesday, the road to the Republican nomination continued as the Acela primaries were held. Donald Trump won the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, Maryland and Pennsylvania. The three...

Andrew Ohl is a junior history major and columnist for The Kent Stater. 

Opinion: Breaking the habit of party in-fighting

Andrew Ohl Kent State College Democrats April 27, 2016

It used to be simpler times. Last autumn, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders no longer wanted to hear about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s damn emails. It was a show of party solidarity and moving...

Dylan Webb is a teaching English as a second language major. Contact him at

Opinion: Stop and smell the roses

Dylan Webb April 27, 2016

The Kent State Greenhouse is a portal to another world. I feel it's a place to find an inner sanctum of peace in our too busy, rat race world. Day to day, we separate ourselves from our higher source...

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