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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Dylan Webb is a teaching English as a second language major. Contact him at

Opinion: Ohio needs to put Medical Amnesty into law

Dylan Webb February 3, 2016

It’s another Thirsty Thursday at the Sigma Pi Sigma frat house. Things are winding down and after a slew of cheap beer and the occasional beer bong, you decide to go on the crawl back to the dorms.However,...

Jacob Tabler is a junior political science major and a member of the Kent State College Republicans. Contact him at

The Iowa Caucus: real predictions or media drama?

Jacob Tabler Kent State College Republicans February 3, 2016

The 2016 presidential election is officially underway and once again, we start with the Iowa Caucus.Ted Cruz took the Republican frontrunner position with Donald Trump and Marco Rubio closely behind. On...

Samantha Karam is a sophomore journalism major. Contact her at

YouTube isn’t just for funny cat videos anymore

Samantha Karam February 3, 2016

In the past, whenever I’d hear YouTube, I thought of silly viral videos like ‘Charlie Bit My Finger’ or ‘The Annoying Orange’. I never used to think of YouTube as a place to go for news, but...

Ty Sugick

Opinion: Athletes make career decisions, too

Ty Sugick February 2, 2016

Career decisions are made on a daily basis in the sports and business world. Some days people wake up and realize that the career they've chosen just isn’t for them anymore and quit. On the other hand,...

Guest Column: Campuses must counter assaults on game days

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette February 2, 2016

Jason Lindo, an economics professor at Texas A&M University, had a hunch about campus sexual assaults at Division I football schools and whether their rates were affected by big-game days. So he and...

Matt Poe

Opinion: Cam Newton criticism mostly generational, not racial

Matt Poe February 2, 2016

Old-school and new-school clash on all sorts of issues. Whether it’s movies, music or art, the old and the new tend to disagree on how something was and how something is. Sports certainly fall under...

More power to acceptance and education

January 31, 2016

Last week, the Kent Stater published an article, entitled “Kent gets kinky,” which focused on K.I.N.K. Kent State, a registered club at the university. The group discusses BDSM and alternative lifestyles,...

Jacob Ruffo is a junior journalism major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Professional athletes should be professional

Jacob Ruffo January 31, 2016

Twitter, 24-hour sports channels and TMZ are but a few options we regular folk have when it comes to following a pro athlete’s every move. Because of this, it is absolutely imperative for professional...

Lucas Misera

Breaking the stigma

Lucas Misera January 31, 2016

Last week, CanaBell Let’s Talk, a multi-year charity program dedicated to mental health, ran its annual promotion to raise money for mental health awareness. By donating five cents every time a call,...

Andrew Ohl is a junior history major and columnist for The Kent Stater. 

Opinion: Sanders’ Medicare plan may be radical, but the need to maintain Medicare isn’t

Andrew Ohl Kent State College Democrats January 27, 2016

Some numbers: As of 2013, and according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, there are 55.3 million Medicare beneficiaries in the United States. For fiscal year 2015, Medicare takes up...

Ray Paoletta is a senior political science major. Contact him at

Opinion: Senator Sanders’ ‘Medicare for All’ plan is unrealistic

Ray Paoletta January 27, 2016

Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders recently released more details regarding his plan to expand Medicare for all Americans. However, his plan is expensive, unrealistic and would hurt Americans.Sen. Sanders...

Dylan Webb is a teaching English as a second language major. Contact him at

Opinion: Break the ice by volunteering

Dylan Webb January 27, 2016

This past Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I participated in Kent State's Hillel’s event, “MLK for a Day," where, as an instructor for Knitting for Those in Need, I helped over 70 college students  learn...

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