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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Amanda Paniagua is a graduate art history major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: Safe space is not segregation

Amanda Anastasia Paniagua November 22, 2015

Last Friday, photographs of black tenured professors at Harvard Law School were defaced, with strips of black tape placed across their faces.In the midst of numerous protests across the country, demanding...

Carlyle Addy is a sophomore journalism major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at 

Opinion: Refugees have it hard enough

Carlyle Addy November 22, 2015

Kent State students have a lot of perks.There’s a pool and a huge gym at the Recreation and Wellness Center. We can show our ID cards and get into lots of cool events at no cost. We have a library that...

Ray Strickland is an opinion writer for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Farmer must go, not Pettine

Ray Strickland November 19, 2015

The Browns—once again—sit at the bottom of the AFC North division with a 2-8 record and head coach Mike Pettine seems to be on his way out the door.After an embarrassing loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers...

Guest column: We shouldn’t slam the door to refugees

Alex Delaney-Gesing November 18, 2015

Since the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 18, 26 Republican governors in the United States issued statements of their refusal to allow Syrian refugees to settle in their states. The reasoning? In the name...

Our View: Boys can play with Barbies too

Stater Editors November 18, 2015

For the first time, a boy has been featured in a Mattel Barbie commercial. A blonde-haired boy can be spotted playing with a limited edition Moschino Barbie along with two other girls.Barbie has received...

Guest column: What’s wrong with policing campus speech

Chicago Tribune November 18, 2015

This summer, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed into law the Campus Free Expression Act, which prohibits the state's universities from restricting student protests to designated "free speech zones."The law...

Sam Karam

Opinion: Everyone deserves to fight for a safe space

Samantha Karam November 18, 2015

This year, three days before Halloween, Yale University’s Intercultural Affairs Committee sent out an email encouraging students to think about how costumes like Native American headdresses, turbans...

Our View: U.S. federal government should accept Syrian refugees

Stater Editors November 18, 2015

The world was shocked by the recent Islamic State attacks in Paris, Beirut and Iraq that left hundreds dead and hundreds more injured. After the attacks, at least 31 U.S. governors said they would not...

Matt Poe

Opinion: NCAA athletes shift balance of power

Matt Poe November 17, 2015

For decades now, universities have held the balance of power over their respective student athletes. This may not be the case anymore and years from now, we could look back on the events that transpired...

Lucas Misera is a sophomore economics major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Facing American prison culture

Lucas Misera November 17, 2015

Operating in the background of the United States’ political scene is a nagging topic that elected officials are failing to tackle: American prisons. As incarceration rates in the U.S. soar, lower-income...

Guest column: Ronda Rousey losing proves you can ace your finals

Nicholas Hunter November 17, 2015

On Sunday, I witnessed Holly Holm defeat the notorious Ronda Rousey for the UFC Women’s Bantamweight championship. It was truly a historic moment, as Rousey has been on a meteoric rise, not only bringing...

Ashley Atherton is a junior political science major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: Our hearts beat as one

Ashley Atherton November 16, 2015

I came home Friday expecting a long and difficult weekend because of the three exams I have next week and a paper to finish for the following week. I was selfishly complaining about that most of the day...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2