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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Guest column: Starbucks lovers brewing over holiday cup design

Jenna Kuczkowski November 11, 2015

A red cup has never caused so many people to become offended until now. On Oct. 22, Starbucks, the coffee giant, gave a sneak preview of its annual holiday cup design to the public. The actual debut of...

Our View: We’re not there yet

KS Editors November 9, 2015

On June 28, 1969, protests erupted from the streets of Greenwich Village in New York City after police raided the Stonewall Inn. At the time, homosexual sex was illegal in the state, as well as every other,...

Bruno Beidacki is a sophomore journalism major. Contact him at

Opinion: Do yourself a favor and travel

Bruno Beidacki November 9, 2015

You have probably heard it a million times, but maybe not for the right reasons: travel. Yes, visiting the Louvre, exploring the Amazon rainforest and relaxing at a beach in the Bahamas are fun things...

Ashley Atherton is a junior political science major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: Rubio could take the Republican nomination

Ashley Atherton November 9, 2015

Marco Rubio seemed like one of those long-shot candidates until CNBC’s debate. After that, everyone, even political novices, knew Rubio’s name. But can he truly stay where he is and continue to rise,...

Our View: Missouri football players in the right

KS Editors November 8, 2015

Due to an influx of racially-charged incidents at the University of Missouri, 30 black football players publicly backed the resignation of University President Tim Wolfe, citing his inaction to stop these...

Guest column: There is nothing funny about climate change

St. Louis Post-Dispatch November 8, 2015

Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, is working overtime to save Americans from the threat of cleaner air."I will be working with my Senate colleagues...

Opinion: Houston just took a step back

Carlyle Addy November 8, 2015

​Houston recently rejected an anti-discrimination ordinance named the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance. The people from Houston probably know it better as “the bathroom bill," which is funny because...

Opinion: The college journey is far from easy

Ray Strickland November 5, 2015

As of right now, I am on track to graduate from Kent State at the end of this semester. If you would have told me this four or five years ago, my response would've been "no chance." I've had the privilege...

Guest column: Can the world’s coral be saved?

David Helvarg, Los Angeles Times November 4, 2015

Two Steps is a perfect snorkeling spot on the Big Island of Hawaii. Black lava rocks step down twice into the clear waters of a small bay where, on a good day, you're guaranteed to see brightly colored...

Jacob Ruffo is a junior journalism major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Drake’s popularity is baffling

Jacob Ruffo November 4, 2015

How many times can the Internet explode defending Drake? He’s a loser; it’s OK to admit it. Let’s just move on without him. He’s personally setting pop culture back because he’s everywhere. He’s...

Sam Karam

Opinion: An open letter to “shamers”

Samantha Karam November 4, 2015

Shamers, you know who you are. You’re those people who hate on another person’s body type, lifestyle choices, physical appearance or character traits.If I were to describe someone to you, chances are...

Jon Stewart

Our View: He’s back

KS Editors November 3, 2015

Jon Stewart extended his hand and flipped off retirement. Not really, but the the former “Daily Show” host did sign a four-year contract with HBO just in time for election coverage. While Stewart isn’t...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2