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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2



Opinion: Money: the idol of the Chinese

Haoran Li November 5, 2013

Haoran Li Haoran Li is a sophomore communications studies major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. He can be reached at [email protected] China is going to be a capitalist country. With the development...

Guest Column: 50 years later, still no conspiracy

Richard Mosk November 5, 2013

As one of the surviving members of the staff of the Warren Commission, which investigated and issued a report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, I am not looking forward to the coming weeks:...


Opinion: Traditional dating … does it still exist?

Kara Taylor November 5, 2013

Kara Taylor Kara Taylor is a freshman journalism major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. She can be reached at [email protected] Our modern world is constantly changing. Some might say for the...

Our View: Exercise your right to vote responsibly

DKS Editors November 5, 2013

Every November when Election Day rolls around, we’re bombarded by reminders that it’s time to exercise our right to vote. We live in a country where we are fortunate enough to have the opportunity...

Our View: F.A.A. change not all it’s cracked up to be

DKS Editors November 4, 2013

The Federal Aviation Administration announced Thursday that airplane travelers will soon be allowed to use their electronic devices throughout their entire flight. However, passengers will still be unable...

Christina Bucciere is a senior journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: What we can learn from a 12-year-old

Christina Bucciere November 4, 2013

You may or may not have heard of Madison Kimrey. This 12-year-old North Carolina girl recently made headlines for firing back at the North Carolina government, particularly Gov. McCrory, for passing a...


Opinon: Painkiller epidemic ignored

Elaina Sauber November 4, 2013

Elaina Sauber Elaina Sauber is a senior English major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. She can be reached at [email protected] One of the most advanced underground tunnels ever along the US-Mexico...

Guest Column: Social media: It’s so 1st century BC

Tom Standage, Los Angeles Times November 3, 2013

Today, it’s easy to assume social media platforms are a recent development, a phenomenon unique to the Internet age. But the exchange of media along social networks of friends and acquaintances is in...

Guest Column: The Missile to Nowhere?

Charles V. Pena November 1, 2013

If the Gravina Island Bridge in Alaska is the “bridge to nowhere” — a symbol of wasteful government spending on an unneeded project — the Pentagon equivalent is the Medium Extended Air Defense...

Our View: Sex Week’s Drag Show, the only blurred lines you should consider

DKS Editors November 1, 2013

A drag show provided a very worthwhile bookend on Kent State’s Sex Week 2013. A college campus is known as a setting of tolerance as thousands of students from various upbringings bring endless different...

Bruce Walton is a senior columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Is it ever ok to dress as a different race/ethnicity?

Bruce Walton November 1, 2013

I hope everyone had an enjoyable time last Halloween weekend and yesterday’s Halloween. But I’d like to ask you: At the parties where you saw everyone’s elaborate costumes they’ve spent weeks getting...


Opinion: Devaluing Generation Y is Unfounded

Rachel Godin November 1, 2013

Rachel Godin Rachel Godin is a sophomore journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. She can be reached at [email protected]. We are Generation Y: the millennials-- accused of being the...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2