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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Guest Column: Keeping the Net neutral

Los Angeles Times September 9, 2013

— The following editorial appeared in the Los Angeles Times on Thursday, Sept. 5:The battle over federal “net neutrality” rules resumes Monday when a federal appeals court takes up the challenge...

Christina Bucciere is a senior journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: The death of social serendipity

Christina Bucciere September 9, 2013

As an aspiring journalist, I rely on my interpersonal and observational skills to formulate my constant pool of story ideas. So, when I stood outside class the other day with my peers waiting for the professor...

Letter to the Editor: Remembering Dr. Heidemann

Christopher Clevenger September 6, 2013

Dr. Erik David Heidemann, an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Kent State University, passed away on Tuesday, September 3 in Canton, Ohio following sudden illness. He was 35 years old.Heidemann...

Opinion: Taking action in Syria doesn’t have to mean violence

Bruce Walton September 6, 2013

Bruce Walton Bruce Walton is the senior columnist for the Daily Kent Stater.Contact him at [email protected]. If you haven’t been keeping up with the Syrian Civil War, (if you can even call it a war),...

Opinion: Challenging our generation to keep civil rights alive

Kara Taylor September 6, 2013

Kara Taylor Kara Taylor is a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. “I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration...

Our View: In defense of buying local

DKS Editors September 6, 2013

In a few short weeks Dunkin’ Donuts will open its doors to the students of Kent State. Dunkin’ Donuts will join an already crowded market of coffee serving cafes and restaurants in Kent. Including...

Our view: Fee is ill-conceived and inadequate — but it’s only the first year

DKS Editors September 4, 2013

School officials admitted they don’t have the money they expected from students taking more than a typical load of courses. This news is frustrating because we were told that the extra money students...

Opinion: Should everybody go to college?

Shawn Mercer September 4, 2013

In light of President Obama’s recent bus tour regarding his new plan to control the cost of college, an examination of who should be going to college seems appropriate.First it is useful to know that...

Opinion: The CEO ‘performance pay’ charade

Sarah Anderson September 4, 2013

If anyone still believes this country has a “pay for performance” system for corporate executives, it’s time to put the notion to rest. For more than two decades, corporations have gotten away with...


Opinion: Accountability in Modern America: When to Blow the Whistle

Michael Long September 4, 2013

Michael Long Contact him at [email protected] Two of the biggest news stories of 2013 addressed an issue that should be on the minds of all Americans. The trial of Chelsea Manning, formerly known as...

Opinion: Caring about Syria is no reason to bomb it

Jody Michael September 3, 2013

In last week’s “Our View” regarding the possibility of U.S. intervention in the Syrian civil war, the editorial board wrote, “The question of another war could actually be restated: Should we care...

Opinion: An Irish groundbreaker lost

Elaina Sauber September 3, 2013

Elaina Sauber Elaina Sauber is a senior English major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. This past spring, I took an opportunity and studied abroad in Northern...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2