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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


A porch portrait of Suzy D'Enbeau, her mom, Mimi and her kids. 

PERSONAL ESSAY: Students support, give back to faculty who are also struggling during pandemic

Suzy D'Enbeau Contributor March 23, 2021

For most of the pandemic, I was drowning like just about every other working mother, trying to homeschool while also doing my full-time job as an associate professor in the School of Communication Studies....

OPINION: 2021 is “1984” – America’s education system as propaganda

Maria Ferrato Opinion Writer March 21, 2021

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past,” George Orwell wrote in “1984,” his novel about a totalitarian government that retains its power by controlling...

OPINION: I am tired of Hollywood’s unoriginality

Audra McClain Opinion Writer March 21, 2021

Dear Hollywood, please stop making remakes and reboots. The reviews of every movie and television show often read a little something like this, “This show was fantastic, I’ve never seen anything like...

OPINION: It’s time for men to pull their chair up to the table

Maria Ferrato Opinion Writer March 17, 2021

From unequal pay to sexual assault, women are empowered to be strong individuals who can stomach any pain rather than fighting for themselves. But what if they just didn’t have anything to fight? I’ve...

OPINION: Should the internet be regulated for our and others’ own safety?

Gregory Hess Opinion Writer March 17, 2021

In the past, or, to put it more directly, back when I wasn’t even an idea, the internet was an expansive canvas for people to use as a tool to reach and talk to others. This includes early precursors...

Community Harvest donates chicken to Refuge of Hope a few times a month. Refuge of Hope’s kitchen staff cooks meals for dinner guests with the donated food items. 

OPINION: What I’ve learned about community through my internship

Kelly Krabill Opinion Writer March 16, 2021

It’s 9 a.m. and I just walked into Refuge of Hope, where I am interning this semester. I place my camera bag on the floor of my office with one hand and pull my laptop out of my oversized purse with...

OPINION: The genius of Brett Favre (yes, that Brett Favre) and how to relate it to your everyday life

Ross McDonnell Opinion Writer March 10, 2021

Right now, I would be willing to guess that at least a fair amount of you reading this are pretty stressed out and overwhelmed right now. Happens to all of us. I get overwhelmed pretty easily myself, and...

OPINION: Are we cultivated to be entertained 24/7?

Gregory Hess Opinion Writer March 10, 2021

On the surface, we are creatures of habit and engagement. The former being an ever-growing concern in the younger generations over the older generations as we go into this new decade after the 2010s. As...

OPINION: Simplicity vs. adaptability – What “federalism” means and why I think it works best for a nation as big as America

Ross McDonnell Opinion Writer March 10, 2021

Before I get into the main topic of today’s column, why I think “federalism” is best suited for America, I feel it is best to clarify just what federalism is. The meaning of the word — at least...

OPINION: Ohio doesn’t just want passenger rail, it NEEDS it

Logan Heffelman Opinion Writer March 9, 2021

The first railroad line in Ohio was completed in 1836 and eventually connected Toledo, Ohio, with Adrian, Michigan. At the time the 33-mile journey took three hours to make. The modern Shinkansen (bullet...

Using a calendar to schedule out your busy week will help you keep track of meeting times. 

OPINION: How do you manage a week’s worth of assignments?

Kelly Krabill Opinion Writer March 9, 2021

This semester has been the hardest one yet. Each semester has its rewards and challenges, but entering into my upper-division courses, I rarely have any free time. During classes and student media Zoom...

OPINION: A culture of empowering complacency, endurance instead of taking a stance

Maria Ferrato Opinion Writer March 5, 2021

“You can’t let one whacko ruin your night,” a family member texted me after I informed her that a man logged into a Zoom call and performed inappropriate sexual behavior on screen after having listened...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2