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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


A day in the winter

Mike Crissman December 10, 2010

It’s 10:30 a.m., and it’s cold as shit.I’m not very happy because A. I have to wake up so early in the morning, and B. I’m freezing. I sit up in my dorm room bed, quickly turn off my loud, obnoxious...

Atypical study tips

Jenny Hurwitz December 10, 2010

Finals week is stupid. Everyone knows that it’s impossible to take 12 exams in four days and still come out on top. The only way to do well and stay sane is by fitting in some me-time. So if you’d...

Our View: Sick of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’

DKS editors December 10, 2010

The Senate voted against repealing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy Thursday with a 57-40 vote. Democrats dominate the Senate, which forces us to question its decision.A study released Dec. 2...

Kent State should support all students

Justin Khol and Caitlin Reed December 9, 2010

As the semester and year draw to an end, the opportunity presents itself to reflect on accomplishments achieved and on the challenges that are ahead. This past spring, Kent State opened an LGBTQ center...

Our view: Keep the university universal

DKS Editors December 9, 2010

President Lester Lefton has a difficult job. He needs to cut costs while preserving the academic integrity of the university.So in an effort to do that, he has encouraged the development of a new model...

Leave home to go home

Nicole Hennessy December 9, 2010

Tomorrow I’ll be back in Kent. Leaving Columbus is going to be so hard. I feel like I make more sense here. The fashion is better, the people are friendlier and the music scene is amazing. There are...

We need a media invasion

Christen Mullet December 9, 2010

First, I would like to thank the authors of the article in response to my own titled “Can the government force you to be healthy?” They wrote a very thorough, fair and civil article, proving that dissenters...

Response to Seth Stern’s “Learn from history before this looming crisis hits”

James Mark Hojnowski December 8, 2010

In response to Seth Stern’s guest column that appeared in the paper yesterday, my demeanor as I forced myself to read through it only ever sank. Stern attempts to use “history” to showcase all the...

Our View: Why are we so narcissistic?

Editors December 8, 2010

Narcissism is no longer considered a psychological disorder.One must wonder what is going on in a society when a physiological disorder is removed from the handbook of mental disorders because the current...

Don’t ask don’t tell?

Nick Glunt December 8, 2010

When it comes to the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, I’ve always thought it was the overly conservative who were supportive of its existence. I was wrong.?According to a recent poll...

Our View: Three weeks isn’t a break

DKS Editors December 7, 2010

Last year’s winter break was Dec. 19 (when exams officially ended) to Jan. 19.It was a blissful month of relaxation and holiday celebration, and it gave students more than two weeks to recover from New...

Final goodbye

Matthew Colwell December 7, 2010

Instead of writing one last cynical criticism of something that annoys me, I just want to take a second to be thankful for this semester as a writer. It was an enlightening experience — from opening...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2