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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


headshot_Nick Hunter

OPINION: As journalists lose their jobs, we need you to care

Nicholas Hunter January 27, 2019

This week, a lot of journalists lost their jobs.Gannett, a media company that owns more than 100 newspapers across the United States, laid off a slew of journalists from a number of media outlets, including...

Sean Blevins headshot

OPINION: Wide open Eastern Conference highlights NBA’s entertaining first half

Sean Blevins January 27, 2019

When DeMarcus “Boogie” Cousins signed with the Golden State Warriors over the summer, it looked as if this NBA season was over before it started, as the addition of Cousins was the perfect example...

headshot_Alex Cala

OPINION: Are sports dynasties a bad thing?

Alex Cala January 25, 2019

For four straight years, the early part of my summers were defined by one thing and one thing only: the Cleveland Cavaliers seemingly inevitable NBA Finals matchup against the Golden State Warriors.While...

Dante Centofanti NEW Headshot

OPINION: Cash doesn’t always rule

Dante Centofanti January 23, 2019

When I think of the revolutionaries in the sports world, the figures that first come to mind are those in the world of boxing. I think of people like former Flash Don King, who set a precedent in boxing...

Cameron Gorman

REFLECTION: Scars healed, but not gone

Cameron Gorman January 23, 2019

When I look down at my left hand, I see the usual to someone with a critical eye. My fingers are a little fat, and most rings don’t fit over them. I have a light dusting of hair on the first segment...

Shelbie Goulding

REFLECTION: The making of a coffee fanatic

Shelbie Goulding January 23, 2019

When I told my roommate I wanted to purchase a coffee maker that had both a coffee pot and single-serving coffee maker attached, she said that I already had three. I corrected her. I have a Keurig, an...

REFLECTION: A snowy realization

Laina Yost January 21, 2019

As I dug my car out of a snow-ridden parking lot at 7 a.m. on Saturday, I was cursing Winter Storm Harper pretty hard.I hate winter. I make that pretty clear to just about everyone. And as I drove back...

Scott Rainey

OPINION: Here’s how to pick the next president

Scott Rainey January 21, 2019

Several Democrats have already announced their candidacy for the 2020 election, and many more will likely join the primary race soon. It goes without saying that ideology is an important thing to consider...

Brandon Bounds headshot

STORY TIME: A blizzard, squirrel and a pizza delivery

Brandon Bounds January 21, 2019

Winter Storm Harper put a damper on weekend plans for a lot of people but that wasn’t the case for my roommates, Logan and Joe, who proceeded to make the best of it.Logan and Joe ordered a Domino’s...

Sony Ton-Aime Headshot

OPINION: The wall is American

Sony Ton-Aime January 21, 2019

The United States government has been locked in its longest government shutdown in history over dispute to build a wall at the southern border. The president and his supporters believe it is necessary...

Sean Blevins headshot

OPINION: The Transfer Portal is revolutionizing college football

Sean Blevins January 21, 2019

The college football world has been turned upside-down over the past month with the opening of its transfer portal. This portal has essentially started a free agency period in college football now, which...

Tanner headshot

OPINION: Brady once again beats Father Time

Tanner Castora January 21, 2019

At the age of 16 you can finally drive, no more begging the rents to take you over Johnny's house. At 18, you can vote and help decide the next president of the United States. At 21, you can discover the...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2