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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Matthew Olienechak

Give in to the season of giving

Matthew Olienechak November 29, 2017

With the end of the semester fast approaching, the sweet release of winter break nears.A month off to relax and destress is needed by many students, allowing them to recharge their academic batteries.Most...

Henry Palattella

So, I hear you need a coach

Henry Palattella November 29, 2017

Dear Kent State Athletics,I hope this letter finds you well. I’m sure you’re very busy, and for good reason. You need to find a football coach!I saw on the press release you put out about the vacancy...

Mica Pflug

We all grow up in different ways

Mica Pflug November 26, 2017

There comes a time in every young person’s life when things start to move fast, and you begin to outgrow the things you are used to. You outgrow your car seat when you are little, your favorite pair...

Drew Taylor

Did you know we’re at war in Yemen?

Drew Taylor November 26, 2017

Are you aware the United States is currently fighting a war in Yemen?I’m going to guess the majority of readers do not. To be completely honest, neither did I until recently. But, once again, America...

Maddie Newingham

A letter to feminists

Madison Newingham November 26, 2017

In light of watching an episode of “The West Wing,” where a few women scolded another woman on the show for being a “stiletto” or “lipstick” feminist, I want to take this space to reorient...

Opinion: Beauty pageants aren’t what you think they are

Danielle Vivcharenko November 19, 2017

As much as we like to deny that the United States is a patriarchal paradigm, the fact remains that sexism is still prevalent today. This issue is very apparent when focusing on feminine activity and how...

Maddie Newingham

These sexual assault allegations aren’t a witch hunt

Madison Newingham November 19, 2017

A man of quality is not threatened by a woman of equality.I have many liberal male friends who are terrified of the forthcoming sexual assault accusations, abstaining from standing by women and arguing...

Drew Taylor

Bobrovsky claims title as NHL’s best goalie

Drew Taylor November 19, 2017

For the past few years, Montreal Canadiens goaltender Carey Price has been universally considered the best goalie in the sport. In the early years of his career, Price struggled to find his game. He was...

Kyle Fitch

Opinion: Automation poses an exciting challenge to society

Kyle Fitch November 15, 2017

Automation may seem like a problem of the past, but it’s still a huge economic issue. A large portion of that population worries about job security, and from that we can see automation poses a threat.Experts...

Matthew Olienechak

Opinion: Turning Point can drive leads to campus drama

Matthew Olienechak November 15, 2017

November is truly the season of giving. With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, many student organizations have decided to help their communities by organizing food drives around campus.It is a very generous...

Drew Taylor

Opinion: Men need to take a bigger role in fighting sexual assault

Drew Taylor November 12, 2017

Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard about the rampant sexual harassment and abuse in the entertainment industry. From people like film producer Harvey Weinstein to comedian Louis CK or actor Kevin Spacey,...

Opinion: The current system is rigged against you and me

Madison Newingham November 12, 2017

The means by which we discuss our economy halt any change of poor practices. The words and our understandings of capitalism and socialism as mutually exclusive ideas are poisoning American exceptionalism.Politicians...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2