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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Matt Poe

Opinion: Why celebrating the Trump Jr.-Russian emails thing feels wrong

Matt Poe July 13, 2017

Oh, dear readers where to begin with this one? How about a very brief recap:Everyone and their mother knows by now about the emails between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney who offered to aid the...

nicholas hunter headshot

Opinion: Stronger community ties are necessary for police reform

Nicholas Hunter July 10, 2017

It is no secret in the U.S. that, in many parts of the country, the relationship between communities and their police forces are quite tenuous.It would be an exercise in futility to list off the countless...

Alex Kamczyc

Opinion: Media Illiteracy is the New Black

Alex Kamczyc July 9, 2017

It seems that nowadays all you see on Youtube and publications like GQ, Rolling Stone and Esquire is something called “sponsored content.”Essentially, these are articles commissioned by a company to...

Matt Poe

Opinion: 5 reasons to use the new Snapchat feature, ‘Snap Map’

Matt Poe July 5, 2017

The ever-popular social media app Snapchat recently introduced its newest feature to entice the masses and excite the local perverts in your community.This new feature known as SnapMap allows users to...

nicholas hunter headshot

Opinion: The gray area of technophobia

Nicholas Hunter July 3, 2017

It is very easy to be frightened by technology these days.There is a constant barrage of news about information leaks and data dumps, from voter information accidentally dumped by an analytics company...

Alex Kamczyc

Opinion: God save Jake Tapper and the sinking raft he’s on

Alex Kamczyc June 30, 2017

When I was in grade school, I learned that one of the biggest factors that led to the Spanish-American war was something called “Yellow Journalism.”For those of you who don’t know, this journalism...

Matt Poe

Opinion: Workplace harassment mustn’t go unresolved

Matt Poe June 27, 2017

Hang on tight because this column is all over the place.I met an old friend last week to catch up on life and grab a beer. Our conversation sifted through a variety of topics, including how her new job...

nicholas hunter headshot

Opinion: The smoking ban only works with compromise

Nicholas Hunter June 26, 2017

As someone who has had breathing problems my entire life — and had a double-lung transplant back in 2016 — I would certainly love a smoke-free campus.On July 1, Kent State begins its “smoke-free,...

Alex Kamczyc

Opinion: Friendly fire and other important dilemmas

Alex Kamczyc June 23, 2017

There’s a simple saying shared among people in my family, (I’m sure other people use this saying as well, but whatever) when two people are working towards the same goal but they get in each other’s...

Lucas Misera

Opinion: Trump’s coalition of doubters

Lucas Misera June 22, 2017

At a campaign rally Wednesday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, President Donald Trump promised his constituents that — despite a less-than-ideal start to his presidency — buyer’s remorse regarding his election...

Matt Poe

Opinion: The Cavaliers should trade Lebron James

Matt Poe June 21, 2017

Oh yeah, I just went there.While many of you fine readers have come to expect such facetious and tongue in cheek statements, this one is not. I fully stand by this statement and I’m sure I won’t regret...

Opinion: Keep your prayers — we’re not broken

Andrew Atkins June 19, 2017

I can’t remember the first time somebody called me a “faggot.”Was it third grade? Fifth grade? I don’t remember. Through most of my childhood, that was the label my peers gave me, how they identified...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2