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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Students party at a house on University St. during Kent Halloween on Oct. 25, 2014.

Boos and booze: Actions to keep Kent safe for Halloween

Shane Beneke October 28, 2015

As Halloween quickly approaches, students and members of the Kent State community are prepping themselves for Saturday’s festivities. From storming downtown in costumes to purchasing huge quantities...

Letter to the editor: Staying safe on Halloween

Michael Lewis October 28, 2015

I would like to share some recommendations for those planning to attend Kent Halloween festivities on Saturday, Oct. 31. These recommendations are intended to prevent crime and promote safety.Some of these...

‘Boo U’ to hit Stark Thursday

Katie Rush October 27, 2015

Kent State's Stark campus is hosting a fall festival for children on Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. All community members are welcome to attend.The festival is family-friendly, and will include a wide range...

International students listen to ghost stories told by Kasha Legeza from the Kent Historical Society as part of the Kent Stage’s annual Ghost Walk on Oct. 24, 2015.

Ghost Walk unveils Kent’s past

Bruce Walton October 25, 2015

On a cliché, dark and stormy Saturday night, a group of international scholars and students took part in the annual Downtown Kent Ghost Walk at the Kent Stage to hear Kent’s spookiest ghost stories.The...

Officer Brandon Davis, of KSUPD, stands in Kent State’s University main campus library. Officer Davis became a police officer in the KSUPD in 2014 and this is the first year he will be patrolling Kent Halloween.

New KSUPD officer to patrol for Halloween

Dana Miller October 24, 2015

Thousands of students are expected to attend the annual Kent Halloween celebrations on campus and downtown next weekend.While most young people go out to have fun on this night, that’s not the case for...

Members of USG hear proposals at public USG forum in the Kent State Governance Chambers on October 21, 2015

USG hears allocations for drug policy conference

Sarah Matthews October 21, 2015

Members of Kent State’s Undergraduate Student Government listened to presentations regarding police and safety on Halloween, and the finished product of construction on Summit Street during Wednesday...

Emily Yoder and Ashley Palmer decorate their suite for Halloween in Beall Hall on October 20, 2015

Students face adjustments for guests on Halloween

Ryan Landolph October 21, 2015

Kent Halloween is set for Saturday, Oct. 31, but students living on campus still have time to get prepared.Students are allowed to have up to two guests registered to visit for the night and will be responsible...

Women center to hold feminist friday

Carson Kleinman October 19, 2015

The Women’s Center will be meeting to discuss and understand feminism together during its monthly meeting this Friday from noon to 1 p.m. for Feminist Friday with its “Witches, B*tches & Hags:...

Carlyle Addy is a sophomore journalism major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at 

Opinion: Alternatives to cop-out costumes

Carlyle Addy October 18, 2015

We’ve all seen Halloween cop-outs before. These are people who take their least favorite white T-shirt, write the word “costume” on the front and head out with their squad to celebrate the holiday...

Police officers from Kent State, Kent City, and Brimfield were stationed in and around Downtown Kent for the annual Halloween festivities Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013. Some officers were on duty until as early as 7 a.m. to make sure rowdy partygoers did not get out of hand.

Staying safe on Halloween

Carson Kleinman October 15, 2015

Halloween is a day that many students love to dress up and celebrate, but the police want students to know how to stay safe this holiday.Lieutenant Joe Hendry of the Kent State Police Department said it...

Opinion: Halloween, no. Just No

Zachary Downes October 8, 2015

This is probably a bit early, but it is the month of October, and this can be advice for the entire month. However, what I am about to say is pertinent information that could be used for any weekend.Kent...


Five student holidays worth staying on campus for

Neville Hardman August 28, 2015

1. Halloween Parties line College Ave. and University Dr. as the sidewalks flood with costumed students. Ashton Wade, a junior American Sign Language major, said her first Kent Halloween was cut short...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2