The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


OPINION: 2021 is “1984” – America’s education system as propaganda

Maria Ferrato Opinion Writer March 21, 2021

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past,” George Orwell wrote in “1984,” his novel about a totalitarian government that retains its power by controlling...

A notice placed on the door that connects Olson Hall and Lake Hall informing students of the quarantine. Photo taken by Troy Pierson. 

4 more floors placed under quarantine

Sara Crawford Opinion editor October 15, 2020

A total of 305 students and eight floors are currently under quarantine, with the latest date going until Oct. 21. Each dorm was informed via a community update email from Jill Jenkins, executive director...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2
modern propaganda