The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Eastway Dining Hall.

Campus dining halls work to limit food waste

Quintin Page, Reporter May 22, 2024

Every day hundreds of students, faculty and visitors eat at Kent State's dining halls. At the end of each day, the dish returns and food serving trays are filled with uneaten food. What happens to all...

Flying into a more sustainable future

Flying into a more sustainable future

Morgan Hoover, Reporter May 21, 2024

Kent State actively works on creating a green future, including sustainable advancements around aviation.  Kent’s in-house flight simulator is one step closer to achieving lower carbon emissions....

One of the models stops to pose in the 2024 KSU Annual Fashion Show on April 25, 2024.

Annual Fashion Show seamlessly incorporates sustainability, culture

Adriana Gasiewski, Beat Reporter May 2, 2024

The lights dimmed over the catwalk as models wearing a quilt-like skirt and a jacket, which was formerly a duffel bag, made their way onto the stage in The Student Center Ballroom. Multiple shows took...

Peer educators at the Kent State of Well-Being invite students to learn about sustainability initiatives.

Kent State of Well-Being supports Earth Month with Wednesday event

Morgan Hoover, Reporter April 25, 2024

The Kent State of Well-Being encouraged students to take steps toward positive environmental impacts during its meeting Wednesday. The event involved students making their own eco-friendly reusable...

Ohio EPA visits university with sustainability accolade

Anthony Zacharyasz and Skylar Edington March 20, 2024

Members of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency traveled from Columbus to Kent Tuesday morning to acknowledge the university’s sustainability and environmental efforts, as both short and long term...

A sign on a bin shares details about the university’s recycling system.

How to actually recycle on campus

Alton Northup, Campus Editor March 18, 2024

When making an effort to recycle, not everyone does it right. “Sometimes, people do something that's called ‘wishcycling,’” said Melanie Knowles, the sustainability manager for the university....

OPINION: Trendy sustainability: not so sustainable

OPINION: Trendy sustainability: not so sustainable

Virginia Doherty, Opinion Writer February 2, 2024

Sustainability has become a huge part of our daily lives. While that generally has less to do with long-held respect for the Earth and is more of a result of necessity as climate change worsens, it remains...

Judges announce prizes for a raffle at RecyclePalooza.

Campus Race to Zero Waste begins with ‘RecyclePalooza’ event

Quintin Page, Reporter February 1, 2024

People poured into the student center ballroom Wednesday evening to celebrate the annual ‘RecyclePalooza,’ an event with games, prizes, and food to teach students about sustainable living and recycling. The...

Campus Race to Zero Waste event in 2023. (Courtesy of Melanie Knowles)

University kicks off the Campus Race to Zero Waste

Morgan Hoover, Reporter January 27, 2024

The university will begin its 15th annual participation in the Campus Race to Zero Waste Sunday, a nationwide event where students aim to reduce waste across their university. Running from January 28...

The Green Zone Living-Learning Community takes place at Dunbar Hall at 225 Midway Dr.

Sustainability Living-Learning Community seeks more participants to spread sustainable awareness

Ella Katona, Reporter November 15, 2023

The Green Zone: a Sustainability Community occurs in Dunbar Hall throughout the school year and has various events aimed for students interested in sustainability and to meet other students with similar...

Shaine Price is a sophomore and the Director of Community Development for Kent Interhall Council

Kent Interhall Council works to spread sustainability awareness around campus

Ella Katona, Reporter September 16, 2023

The Kent Interhall Council has many events planned this fall semester to increase sustainability awareness across campus.  The Director of Community Development for Kent Interhall Council, Shaine Price,...

Racks of clothes and apparel at Village Discount Outlet located in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, on Aug. 24, 2023.

Sustainable shopping provides students with affordable clothing options near campus

Olivia Montgomery, Reporter August 30, 2023

When it comes to buying new clothing, it can be difficult to find quality pieces for a reasonable price during a time when consumers are shifting their priorities toward concepts like sustainability and...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2