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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Photo courtesy of MTC Campus.

Turning green: A guide to leafy vegetables

Katie Leyton April 21, 2015

“No dessert until you eat all of your vegetables!” Mom and Dad said as I miserably looked down at my plate with a big heap of spinach staring back at me.Sure, I could have easily refused to eat the...

Special assistant in the office of general council Kendra Wilson defines what happiness is to her.

What is happiness?

Jamie Brian April 14, 2015

Happiness. How can nine letters create such a complex emotion?Happiness can be elusive and stubborn, like fumbling around for a flashlight in the dark, only to discover that there are no batteries. But,...

How to get a summer body in 30 days or less

Katie Leyton April 7, 2015

There are officially 30 days left in the semester. With the weeks flying by, summer will be here a lot sooner than most of us are ready for. I’m not talking about being ready for school to be over, I’m...

Burning calories in the bedroom

Katie Leyton February 10, 2015

The average male thinks about sex at least 18 times a day, compared to 10 times a day for the average female, according to LiveScience. As Valentine’s Day approaches, my guess is that number increases...

Exercise: The hangover fix

Katie Leyton January 20, 2015

After the festivities that took place the first weekend back in Kent, I’m certain I was not the only one who woke up with confusion, regret and a killer hangover. Of course, I always attempt to ward...

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