Results of USG election; Zeinali to be next student body president

Sara Crawford

Anticipation built in the Student Center lobby Wednesday evening as candidates for Undergraduate Student Government waited to hear the results from this year’s election.

This year, 3,066 students voted in the election, compared to the 2,287 students who voted in 2018.

“I have been out talking to people from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.,” said Lauren Novick, who is the newly elected director of communication and marketing. ”I honestly think that making those personal connections is what secured my vote and what secured my win because people vote base on who they see and personal relationships.”

Candidates spent the past few months working on their campaigns and encouraging people to vote for them.

“I think that the only way for students to know what kind of senator I will be in year two is to look at what I have done in year one,” said Steven Farhat, who is the re-elected senator for the College of Education, Health and Human Services.

Candidates and their supporters gathered around a TV to see how many votes they received compared to their competition.

“Congratulations to all the candidates for all your hard work and dedication,” said Kevin Cline, the elections commissioner for USG, right before the results were revealed to the crowd.


Student Body President: Vala Zeinali


Director of Academic Affairs: Drake Wartman

 Director of Business and Finance: Laith Tabbaa

 Director of Communication and Marketing: Lauren Novick

 Director of Community Affairs: Peter Hans Kierstead

 Director of Programming: Keegan Lax

 Director of Governmental Affairs: Tiera Moore

 Director of Student Advancement: Chanelle Waligura


Director of Student Involvement: Kaelee Dingey



Senator of the College of Arts: Aditi Vilas Tidke

Senator of the College of Arts and Sciences: Sehar Shaikh

Senator of the College of Education, Health and Human Services: Steven Farhat

Senator of the College of Nursing: Grace Braunlich

Senator of the College of Public Health: Diamond Daniel

Senator of the Honors College: Thomas Niepsuj

Senator of the College of Communication and Information: Lance Stumpf


Senator of the College of Aeronautics: Michael Klein

Senator of the College of Business and Administration: Connor Meehan

Senator of the College of Architecture: Alexis Springer

Sara Crawford covers politics. Contact her at [email protected]