A day in the life of a double major, USG senator, speech and debate president

Trevor Walton

Trevor Walton is a freshman theatre studies performance and political science double major with a concentration in public policy. He takes five classes, rehearses two days a week and is an active member of 13 campus groups. Each day he balances all of this with careful calculation.  

“I’m taking 18 credit hours right now, I’m a senator in student government, the president of Speech and Debate and I’m an RA,” Walton said. “I try to balance every day by writing out a schedule and task list for each day to make sure I’m getting everything done that I need to. My days can definitely be hectic, but I do enjoy being involved and busy.” 

Walton starts his Tuesday at 7:50 a.m. with a cup of tea before his dance class. He skips breakfast to run out the door to make it to morning jazz on time. In his jazz class, he and his peers dance to Lady Gaga at full volume and learn new techniques.

Jazz is over by 9:40 a.m. and Walton quickly throws on windbreaker and sweatpants to sprint to his dorm to make it to virtual “Acting Process,” his favorite class.

“‘Acting Process’ is a beginning level acting class where students are introduced to and explore some of the fundamentals of acting,” said Paul Hurley, assistant professor of acting and movement. “We work on developing spontaneity, creativity, imagination and point of view in order for each student to develop their own process of acting. Trevor is always extremely engaged and prepared. He comes to class ready to work and actively engages in discussions and exercises. Equally important, he is also a great collaborator and supporter of his classmates. It is clear that he is committed to learning and growing as an artist.”

Once his acting class ends, Walton grabs a granola bar and heads out the door to “Ballet II.” Here, he practices his ballet skills and socializes with classmates.

“I’m usually the only guy in every dance class,” Walton said. “Though my jazz class this semester does have two guys in it, and I was so shocked to see them on the first day. It’s nice to see some more men in the dance programs.”

While in ballet, he asks his professor to “Abby Lee Miller” him. The overly critical teacher on “Dance Moms” is someone he admires for giving harsh criticisms to her students. Walton thinks the best way to get better is to hear what the professor is really thinking, with no filter.

“My brain is horrible at memorizing dances right away, so if I sickle [when a dancer’s foot is scooped down with the heel too far back] my foot or do a wrong move, I want the professor to tell me in front of the class. It may sound like a lot, but it will teach me what I’m doing wrong, and I know I won’t make the same mistake again,” Walton said.

When ballet is over, he heads to “Fundamentals of Production I.” In this course, he studies design and construction of scenes, elements of props, design and painting with one of his favorite professors, Tetta Askeland.   

“Trevor is the kind of student every instructor hopes for. He is always in class and on top of his game,” Askeland said. “Trevor also sets the tone for a classroom, especially with Zoom. He enters the room and starts chatting and brings life into the classroom. His attention to detail is incredible, and gives his all in every project, no matter what the situation is. Trevor is truly a phenomenal student and artist.”

In conversations with Walton, it is easy to see his strong work ethic and passion for acting. Though he doesn’t seem to have the time, he spends weekends in rehearsal spaces on campus practicing dances and reading over lines.

“His education seems very important to him. He is both a creative thinker and worker,” said Sara Tomczak, acting and theatre professor. “In ‘Art of Acting,’ we worked on performing monologues, open scenes, scenes from plays and writing our own monologues. We started every class with a warmup, and Trevor would often graciously offer to lead them, and then we would focus on one specific aspect of performance. Trevor was a strong writer when writing his own monologue, and he had great comedic timing. His character creation was lovely, and his dramatic piece was beautifully crafted and performed from organic emotion. He was a great student who asked important questions.”

Walton’s dedication doesn’t end in the classroom. He is the president of Fleman Hall. He is a member of three student government committees, Residential Engagement Council, Kent Interhall Council, QUEST Mentorship Program, Transforum Theatre, Flashy Lookz, Student Judicial Advocacy and Black Theatre Association.

“I’m very involved, and a lot of people always ask, ‘What is the end goal? What is this all adding up to?’ I do have a plan,” Walton said. “My dream is to open my own theater, while being a working actor, while running for public office. I would like to start with mayor, then state House of Representatives, then governor, then House of Representatives and who knows if there is a presidential bid one day.”

Lindsey Vlasic covers entertainment and the arts. Contact her at [email protected].