Introducing a new style of fitness in Kent

Students participate in Boga at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2018.

Shelbie Goulding

BOGA Fit and BOGA Yoga are the newest addition to the programs offered at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center. Both programs consist of balance-based workouts taking place in the Rec Center’s pool.

“Make sure you have balance first and take it slow,” program officer Elizabeth Michel said while instructing a BOGA Fit class. Michel said she has been looking for new workout trends that would catch students’ interest, and she happened to find this new fitness style.

BOGA Fit and BOGA Yoga utilize water boards that class participants use throughout the workout. The main goal is to enhance balance alongside getting a well-rounded exercise.

“Core is everything,” instructor Kirsten Howell said during her BOGA Yoga session. Usually yoga classes involve relaxation, but the class participants of BOGA Yoga consistently have to regain the balance in order to stay dry throughout the workout.

BOGA Fit involves a more active workout than BOGA Yoga. The BOGA Fit class consists of multiple workout types: squats, push-ups, burpees and abs. With being above water, the overall workout becomes more challenging as the participants must focus on their balance throughout the workout.

“The hardest part about the class is balancing yourself and trying to stay out of the water,” class participant Steven Langdon said. Langdon is the marketing coordinator at the Rec, and he enjoys the idea of utilizing the pool for a workout program. “It’s amazing to see how many students are interested in the pool itself.”

Langdon thinks the BOGA Fit class is exciting and fun, and he’s interested in seeing how many students get involved.

BOGA Yoga and BOGA Fit are two separate programs available at the Student Wellness and Recreation Center. The program costs $25 for a once-a-week, six-week session.

Register online or at the Pro Shop in the Rec Center.

Shelbie Goulding is the recreation reporter. Contact her at [email protected].