Our View: Clinton the clear choice

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters at Cuyahoga Community College on Tuesday, March 8, 2016.

After months of reporting on each of the presidential nominees — ranging from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to Jill Stein and Gary Johnson — The Kent Stater editorial board unanimously agrees that only one name on the ballot carries the experience and platform suitable for a position in the White House: Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

For many students at Kent State, this is the first time we have had the opportunity to vote in a presidential election. It’s an opportunity to set the nation’s direction for ourselves and future generations, a responsibility that should not be taken lightly.

If Clinton is elected, she must tackle gridlock that’s been all-too-common under President Barack Obama and his legislature. The efficacy of her four years will be at the mercy the congressional body assembled by the electorate. However, cooperative efforts will be achieved through the composure displayed by Clinton over the course of her political career.

A vote for Clinton is a vote to build on the social and economic progress left behind by the Obama administration. It’s a vote to preserve a racially and ethnically integrated United States, ensure that climate change is met with the fervor that the seriousness of the situation demands and promote peace in an era of rapid — oftentimes tense — globalization.

Clinton has been a champion of equality, fighting for women, children and the LGBT community on her way to the Democratic ticket. She’s been an integral part of the Paris Agreement, a treaty signed by over 190 countries that affirms the international community’s resolve to protect the environment. All the while, she served as secretary of state for four years, guiding the U.S. in the face of ever-complicated challenges across the globe.

Of course, Clinton has battled her share of controversy; from the use of her private server for confidential information to her involvement in the Benghazi debacle, many find that her duplicitous nature diminishes her otherwise impressive political resume. The editorial board, however, agrees that no presidential candidate is without imperfections.

When evaluated against the competition, Clinton’s shortcomings should be of minor concern. Her Republican counterpart, Trump, fosters a dangerous political environment through distasteful rhetoric aimed at immigrants, women and Muslims. His egregious comments and behavior are a stark contrast to the professionalism set forth by Obama throughout the past eight years.

Regardless of which nominee is selected by voters on Nov. 8, we recognize the importance of abandoning the ad hominem-style discourse born out of this contentious election. The colorful attacks from each side should serve as a reminder to young voters that progress is unattainable without respect for differing ideologies. This is just part of the reason we intend to continue to cover all candidates without bias as the election concludes in the coming weeks.

Our generation has the most to gain — or lose — from the outcome of this election. As a result, we at The Kent Stater implore that the student body take the opportunity to vote in this election of immense historical significance.