Kent State offers discounted Weight Watchers

Julie Riedel

Starting Feb. 15, Kent State will provide access to discounted monthly Weight Watchers passes to students and employees.

Kent State started working with Weight Watchers in the early 2000’s to create a program called Weight Watchers at Work. It was made to encourage employees to live a healthier life. Weight Watchers at Work is a key program in the employee health program OneWellU. Now Weight Watchers at Work is being expanded to help with the KSU healthy campus initiative. 

Tanya Falcone is the coordinator for the KSU Center of Nutrition Outreach and a nutrition professor.

“Weight Watchers is actually one of the only weight loss programs that dietitians actually can recommend. It’s one of the ones that we actually see that are user friendly and successful, because of how it’s made up”, said Falcone.

“I think that for students on campus that, yes, it definitely would be something that would teach them especially how to eat and the value of food, so I think that Weight Watchers would be something that’ll be positive for students.”

Weight Watchers meetings are held to provide support and information for weight loss. Each meeting members are weighed in and participate in a nutritional conversation that covers healthy eating, being active and achieving healthy goals. Weight Watchers also distributes information to expand on living a healthy life. Weight Watchers leader Leah Yax runs the weekly meetings at KSU.

“I like that Weight Watchers is livable, I can still manage to have pizza on Friday night and a glass of wine on a Saturday, yet still manage to balance out everything and get my healthy eating in as well.” said Yax.

Meetings are held every Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. in the Student Center room 303. Each meeting needs a minimum of 20 members enrolled and at least eight members in attendance to maintain on campus meetings. Monthly meeting passes can also be used at community Weight Watchers sessions. The discounted passes are $44.95 for monthly pass with meetings and $19.95 per month for Weight Watchers online.

“I think it’s a good idea because we have an overweight population, so it’s a nice thing to try to help people out,” said Sara Formoso, sophomore exercise science major. 

The Healthy Campus initiative focuses on encouraging all Kent State campuses, employees and students to live healthier lives through physical activity, healthy eating and overall wellness.

“We want to be one of the healthiest campuses in the nation, so this [Weight Watchers] fits right into areas that we’re concentrating on.” said Kim Hauge, manager of university wellness and healthy campus promotions.