Food drive aims to support students

Olivia Perry

The Office of the Dean of Students is hosting a food drive to support students who are facing food insecurity. They partnered with Campus Kitchen to help provide for their pantry.

“The food collected will support the efforts of the Office of the Dean of Students’ Satellite pantry. We rely on donations from the campus community and our partnership with Campus Kitchen to support students who are facing food insecurities,” said Taléa Drummer-Ferrell, Kent State’s dean of students.

With the combination of the community and Campus Kitchen as resources, it is hopeful that the drive will be a success. Given the success of the drive, it is possible Kent State sees this event again in the future.

For now, it is a friendly competition within the Division of Student Affairs. The drive was turned into a competition against other departments to encourage more people to donate and create fun within the departments.

“All donations will directly support those facing food insecurities and will ensure that we are able to engage with and connect as many students as possible to additional resources if needed,” said Lexi Hamby, an AmeriCorps member who created the idea of the competition. 

“Last semester, the ODOS Satellite Pantry distributed over 1,656 pounds of both fresh and non-perishable food to students in need from the support of Campus Kitchen. We noticed a great need in our non-perishable items and therefore we are hopeful that the food drive will provide us with at least 500 pounds. of food,” Hamby said.

With the pandemic increasing financial instability, all departments that are participating in the food drive are appreciative of any donations that they receive.

The drive began Feb. 1 and will conclude 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 12. Once all donations have been turned in, they will be weighed and finalized Feb. 16. Once finalized, the winner will be announced shortly after.

“Our overarching goal for the food drive and the satellite pantry overall is to support students facing food insecurities and provide insight on additional resources that may be available to them,” Drummer-Ferrell said.

Donations can be dropped off at the Beverly J. Warren Student Recreation & Wellness Center. More information can be found here.

Olivia Perry is an on campus reporter. Contact her at [email protected].