Fire breaks out, contained at Rec Center

Kent fire officials arrive at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center to asses the situation and contain the fire.

Bruce Walton

A fire broke out at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center this morning when a dryer caught fire in the lower level of the building.

The facility was evacuated and the fire department responded minutes after the alarm went off, said Abby Millsaps, marketing coordinator for the Rec Center.

“The alarms went off, we cleared our facility here at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, as is our protocol,” Millsaps said. “And now we’ve reopened the doors because the fire has been contained and everything is fine.”

The fire occurred in the laundry facility, a backstage facility area where no patrons or students have access, Millsaps said.

No injuries were reported at the time of the fire and all activity has resumed after officials cleared the area.

Contact Bruce Walton at [email protected].