News on the go: April 28, 2014

Tyler Kieslich

Pro-Russian militants in eastern Ukraine marched out eight kidnapped European military observers before the media Sunday to assure the public that the captives weren’t being mistreated. The gesture came just hours after insurgents in Slovyansk captured three Ukrainian security service officers, who were later shown to Russian journalists bloodied and blindfolded.

Two cases to be argued before the Supreme Court Tuesday will determine whether or not police can search cellphones without a warrant. The two defendants, a drug dealer and a gang member, hope the court will rule that the searches violated their right to privacy. (Read full story.)

Prime Minister Chung Hong-won resigned Sunday amid growing controversy over the South Korean government’s handling of a ferry sinking that left more than 300 people dead or missing. Relatives of the victims claim the government didn’t do enough to protect their loved ones, most of whom were high school students on a school trip.

In what was a rare recognition by an Arab leader, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called the Holocaust “the most heinous crime” of modern history. The remarks, which came just hours before the start of Israel’s annual Holocaust commemoration, were published by official Palestinian news outlet WAFA. (Read full story.)

Information is from the Associated Press.

Contact Tyler Kieslich at [email protected].