Time for some R&R

Illustration by LaQuann Dawson

Melissa Puppo

Sophomore communication studies major Emily Delsanter spent her Friday in usual fashion — she woke up, poured herself a bowl of cereal and popped in the DVD re-runs of “Friends.” She got dressed in her Zeppe’s t-shirt, pair of grease-stained khaki pants and black visor and headed off to work.

After a long six-hour shift, she headed home to visit her family in Hudson, unaware of the surprise announcement that was awaiting her arrival— her parents booked a Royal Caribbean cruise for spring break.

“I was shocked from how last minute it was, and I’m so excited to be going,” said Delsanter about the announcement she received.

Delsanter and her family will travel to a Royal Caribbean private island and then off to the Bahamas for a four-day trip. She said her parents, brother and herself will most likely chill poolside and go to the shows and karaoke nights offered on the cruise ship.

“When we get off the boat at the private island, we’ll probably Jet Ski or do something along those lines,” Delsanter said. “We’re not going to do an excursion, but we’ll probably lay on the beach.”

She said she is excited to spend time with her younger brother and parents because it’s been a while since they have all gone on vacation.

Although Delsanter is excited about her packed spring break ahead, she still is anticipating what will happen back at school once her week of peace ends. She said she plans to use this spring break as a time to rest for what’s ahead with the remainder of the semester.

“We’re just going to be bombarded with a bunch of stuff to do with finals, tests and homework,” Delsanter said.

Delsanter is just one student on Kent’s campus who has plans for this year’s spring break — a time when a student takes a much-needed break from the usual monotonous college lifestyle.

Here is how three other students plan to take on this week of no class.

For sophomore fashion design major Cassie Baden, her last week before spring break has been spent working on a visual board and picking a designer to draw flat sketches of a mini collection for.

“I’m so ready for spring break to arrive,” Baden said. “I could not be happier to sleep in everyday.”

Although she said she’s going to miss staying in Kent with her friends, she said she is really looking forward to taking some time to relax and is also looking forward to seeing some of her friends who are also on spring break.

One highlight for Baden’s spring break will be her attending Kid Cudi’s concert in Cleveland with one of her friends.

“I’m so excited,” Baden said. “It’s gonna be so much fun. I’ve never seen him before, but everyone says he’s really good though.”

Baden said she also is excited to hang out with her older brother and sister because she never gets to see them while she is in Kent.

Students who go home for spring break is one thing, but it’s another thing for sophomore aeronautics major Anilson Cardoso and junior public health major Joy Yala. They’ll be spending break as RA’s in Kent.

Cardoso, an international student from Cape Verde said he’s excited to stay in northeast Ohio for the week long break. He said he won’t be seeing his family, but he feels it’s going to be a good experience because he’ll be working in a new environment.

“I plan to go flying [at the university’s airport] and hang out with some of my friends who will still be in Kent,” Cardoso said.

Yala has been balancing working as an RA, being a member of four other groups on campus and doing homework.

“I am super excited for spring break because this week I’ve been super busy, and I really am craving that week where I don’t have to think about assignments, think about going to anyone’s meetings — all I get to do is eat, sleep, watch TV and relax and take a break because I really need it,” Yala said.  

Both Cardoso and Yala will be working as RA’s in both Tri-Towers and Korb halls, busy doing the usual rounds and making sure the students stay safe.

While Yala doesn’t have any of her close friends staying in Kent with her, she said she will use her spring break as a time to relax and have peace and quiet in her life so she can focus on finishing out her semester strong.

Cardoso said his spring break won’t necessarily all be fun — he plans to work on a few papers that are due after break and also do a bit of reading, both for enjoyment and for class.

Contact Melissa Puppo at [email protected].