Summer reading book ties to entrepreneurship course

Christina Bucciere

Incoming freshmen learned eight important lessons in entrepreneurship from the freshmen summer reading book — recognizing opportunities, building a brand and the power of persistence, to name a few.

Students read the book “Who Owns the Ice House?” authored by Clifton Taulbert and Gary Schoeniger. In addition to being the freshmen summer-reading book, incoming students have been encouraged to enroll in a three-credit hour course that corresponds to the book. The course was brought to Kent State last year in partnership with the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program.

Craig Zamary, marketing and entrepreneurship lecturer, said Kent State is the first four-year university to offer the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program course. He said the course seeks to integrate the eight guiding principles discussed in the book.

“The class received a 100 percent satisfaction rate last year,” Zamary said. “Students were describing it as a life-changing course.”

Zamary said it is possible the corresponding course will become a mandatory class for all incoming freshmen for the 2014-2015 school year.

Although the course is pitched to all freshmen, Zamary said any student is welcome to enroll in it.

“It empowers students to network with other entrepreneurs and create their own paths,” he said.

Adam Barnard, incoming freshman business administration major, said he is interested in the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program course.

“I think the course could definitely help me step out of my comfort zone,” Barnard said, “and take opportunities when they present themselves.”

Contact Christina Bucciere at [email protected]